Assembly elections this winter

Dr Nirmal Kamal

Deliberating upon some common issues concerning the State and specific issues pertaining to the constituencies going on polls for Assembly elections, one can discover people have been longing for their bigger as well Chhoti Chhoti wishes to be fulfilled throughout the period till now. They have waited and waited throughout their life spans for good times to come when the elected representatives will execute commitments in party manifestos. The good times.when they would feel secured at their work place, their homes, educational institutions, markets etc.,  particularly women feel safety around, when they will have regular electric supply, when they will have good road connectivity so that no life is lost in road accidents, water supply is sufficient to meet the daily household chores, educated youth have avenues to explore their potentials, when POJK refugees or displaced people from border areas affected due to 1965 war or 1971 war, avail citizenship rights in a State they feel connected with. The good times when the people of this trouble torn State will have a dignified living free of divisive politics of communal hate, equitable development free of any  regional partisan devices, competent policy makers steering the State with sole objective to attain peace, prosperity and progress free of corruption. Voices from Jammu acknowledged by various Commissions that Jammu and Ladakh have always been discriminated but the reports submitted went unheeded brewing resentment amongst the people of Jammu. Employment packages flew to Kashmiri youth whereas Jammu’s unemployed youth was never a serious issue for the Kashmiri leadership. Correcting of imbalance of political power through proper decentralisation remained a core issue. It never suited the ambitious Kashmir based political parties nor the Congress. Call on removal of AFSPA remained a most favorite call of National Conference and PDP not the abrogation of Article 370 which has ruined the State. Security scenario, woes of Kashmiri  Pandits , corruption , misgovernance, powerless panchayats -all prove failure of the erstwhile ruling parties in any form and also that people have lost trust in them.
They trusted each successive government in every form to remain loyal to the voters. But in return, they were betrayed by the unscrupulous corrupt leaders who preferred to serve  their own fiefdom in the name of fake development. People came on the streets to demand their legitimise rights, the government legitimized illegal actions (land deals in Roshni Act), used brutal force (Laathi Charge) whenever discriminated employees or unemployed youth came on the roads, Chief Minister of the State, personally managed to hijack the Central University meant for Jammu, initially, to Kashmir and now is seeking another chance with “a renewed promise to develop the State”! Several pages can be filled with the examples of regional discrimination, corruption, amassing of wealth by powerful, non implementation of the policies and non- information of policies. It is an open truth that the Central Government pumped in tons of money in the State for the development which stands missing. People want change in the State as at the Center.
So ,the people want accountable government for the change. On 20th December, this winter, last day of Phase 5 scheduled for Assembly elections, all three constituencies falling under Jammu district, in addition to constituencies of  Nagrota, Billawar, Bani, Basohli, Kathua, Hiranagar,Bishnah, RS Pura, Suchet Garh , Marh, Raipur Damana, Akhnoor, Chhamb, Nowshera, Kalakot, Rajauri and Darhal will write destiny by choosing representatives for the J and K Assembly. Specific issues electorates want redressal are related to Displaced people from PoK temporarily living in various camps and localities in Badyal, Jagti and Muthi and elsewhere, Shia community living in Jammu, Gujjar-Bakarwals inhabitating in every pocket in Jammu. The Gujjar- Bakarwals being third big community after Kashmiris and Dogras, demand extension of tribal laws to J and K State, Gujjar regiment on the pattern of Jat and Gurkha regiments, inclusion of Gorjary language in Eighth Schedule, establishment of Gorjary Research Center in Jammu University among several other demands. Several leaders claiming to represent Refugees’ cause demand one time settlement grant as well ownership rights to the refugees from West Pakistan, refugees from Pak- occupied J and K and rehabilitation of border migrants of 1965 and 1971. People of Rajauri clamour for Schedule Tribe Status to the Paharies. Pahari culture over looking the administrative boundaries , is spread over Rajauri- Poonch Districts of Jammu province to Uri-Karnah of Kashmir Valley. Strangely, in 1989, the State Government passed a resolution granting ST status to all excluding Paharis from the nomadic culture which certainly discriminating act. Presently people from Rajauri and Gujjar Bakarwals seem against tested political  parties of the State who have betrayed their trust. People from these areas aspire for connectivity through railway, flourishing of tourism, strengthening of cooperatives as parameters of development. To counter terrorism in the area VDCs and SPOs have played a role. Therefore, regularisation of VDCs and and SPOs requisite. People in the hilly areas are well aware of the dilapidated condition of the roads and the water bodies. For instance a canal in Dhegwar village in Poonch demands attention of the government.
Another conscious demand for delimitation is also gathering momentum. People in the Jammu region are for correcting and increasing the Parliamentary and Assembly seats by removing the anomalies and the differences. People also demand Sunderbani  as separate  Assembly Constituency. Some areas of Akhnoor and Reasi  be attached with Sunderbani as per  recommendations of Wazir Commission recommendations are the simmering demands besides stoppage of encroachment of forest land, benefits to the OBCs , rights of the custodian land as well 73rd and 74rth Constitution Amendment on Panchayati Raj Act. Demand is also there for according minority status to Hindus in the State as well liberal financial help, medical and other essential services to the VDCs. Above all the people of Nowshera and other places going on polls also desired of abrogation of Article 370 which they believe is obsolete in present circumstances. Issue of Evacuee property is still lurking. The State Government enacted legal protection to the property holders who opted Pakistan in 1947. Dogra certificate, compensation agreed upon the people of Jammu and the Government, after Shri Amarnath Yatra Agitation is still awaited. Condition of river Tawi , change in nomenclature Radio Jammu, condition of farmers educational institutions, road connectivity etc demand attention.  Still the government claims to have achieved development and drums to convert cities as models of development believing that people can be fooled again.
People of Jammu are not duds. This time they have become more vigilant not only choosing best out of the worst but also about their rights to act when their wishes are not fulfilled.

Assembly elections this winterDr Nirmal Kamaleditorial article
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