Artist portrays Ayodhya through elements of nature

New Delhi: Delhi-based writer and artist Kota Neelima said the absence of any concrete structure of worship in Ayodhya makes it a place for all, no longer confining it to a particular faith.

In her solo show titled, ‘Remains of Ayodhya: Places of Worship’, Neelima has used the place as a subject for her artworks and showcased it through different elements of nature.

“The first thing which comes to my mind about Ayodhya is the absence of any structure. The lack of structure makes it available to all. It is not confined to any,” she says.

The artist, who feels God is everywhere and one does not need symbols or structures to look for Him, has painted a showcased several places of worship without represint them in the form of structural buildings.

“I believe that there are worship places all around us. We don’t need structures to find God. Nature symbols can also be worshipped. God is everywhere,” she says.

Through her paintings the artist has attempted to revive the original Indian belief, which she says, was more spiritual than religious.

“Indian thought is very spiritual and is free from religious borders. We should revive that thought. My paintings depict the free spirit that India is known for,” she says.

The body of impressionist-abstract works in oil on canvas, that is on display at the show, are replete with contrasting hues, that she says, represent her thoughts.

“Colours are all around us and just like our daily worships, colours also direct our thoughts. Colours break the uniformity and change the tone, offering hope and positivity.

Thoughts start flowing as the colours change,” she says.

The opening of the 10-day-long exhibition here recently, was also attended by former Chief Minister of Delhi, Sheila Dikshit and former media advisor to the Prime Minister, H K Dua.

“It is good, particularly because it is related to nature and in nature it is related to what makes ambiences aroung you – trees, flowers, all naturally beautiful,” Dikshit told PTI.

For Dua, the central theme of the exhibition lay in the trees that recurrently appeared in nearly all of Neelima’s paintings.

“She brought to life trees from different seasons and colours. She has breathed life even into the trunks of these trees. Her paintings are full of life and colours,” Dua said.

The show underway at Alliance Francaise here, is set to continue till January 16.


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