‘Art 370 a cancer in the heart of Indian democracy’

JAMMU : Prof. Bhim Singh, Supremo NPP today invited the media, civil society and social and political activists to participate in the 38th National Integration Camp (NIC) being held from 1st to 3rd June, 2015 at Sudhmahadev.
Addressing media at Press Club, Jammu NPP Chief Patron accused Modi-Mufti Sarkar for playing hide and seek with the people of Jammu and Kashmir with malafide intention to carve out a Kashmiri Islamic State in Kashmir by dissecting major Muslim majority areas of Poonch, Rajouri and Doda sectors as was envisaged in the infamous Dixon Plan in 1951 to bring out Pakistan from the mandate of the UNO resolution of 13th August 1948 on Jammu and Kashmir. The UN had directed Pakistan to vacate all occupied areas of J&K which included Gilgit, Baltistan, Chitral, Hunza and the so-called Azad Kashmir besides total withdrawal of the civilian settlers in PoK and Gilgit-Baltistan region. The UN further directed to Pakistan to hand over these areas to the Indian Army before initiating referendum in J and K under the Maharaja Hari Singh administration. When Pakistan failed to implement UN resolution, the Anglo American block worked out a mischief by appointing a commission on the possibility for the implementation of UN resolution in 1950. A Jewish High Court Judge of Australia was appointed as one man commission who concocted a plan to divide Jammu region by dissecting Muslim majority areas falling in the North of River Chenab.
Singh praised the then Prime Minister Nehru for rejecting this mischief out rightly. NPP leader said Nehru dared dismissing Sheikh Abdullah government and sending him behind bars where he spent nearly 20 years facing a trial for treason. He questioned prime Minister Modi for supporting a Chief Minister who has done much harm to the national integration than Sheikh Abdullah must have done. In response to a query whether routinely waving of Pakistani flag, raising pro Pak and anti-India slogans in Kashmir has been unofficially allowed, he said it is more or less officially allowed because no action is initiated against them under sedition Act.
Prof. Bhim Singh said that Article 370 is cancer in the heart of Indian democracy and it needs to be amended so that Parliament shall be empowered to legislate in respect of J and K.
Prof. Bhim Singh also condemned the OIC resolution passed a day before in its session held in Kuwait by 53 countries where not a single Muslim country opposed the resolution. This exposed total failure of Modi government in its relations with the Arab and other Muslim countries. He further questioned Prime Minister Modi why he chose to not a visit any Arab or Muslim country when he had sufficient time to visit US, China and other pro-US countries around the world. According to Bhim the country’s foreign relations have been downgraded during Modi government. He said that reorganisation of J&K by amending Article 370 is the only way out to save Jammu and Kashmir from the flames and bloodshed. He proposed immediate Governor Rule in J and K and fresh elections so that the foreign elements shall be washed out from the scene.
Singh appealed to all nationalist and secular forces to join the awakening movement for ultimate revolution to strengthen national integration and unity of India.

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