Apple Leaf Blotch Miner disease a serious issue, but not need to panic: Experts


BUDGAM: With the diversification of crops as well as the climate driven change in pest dynamic ,some areas of Kashmir valley especially the districts of south Kashmir and Central Kashmir have witnessed the emergence of a new insect pest namely Apple Leaf Blotch Miner.
According to survey conducted by Directorate of Horticulture Kashmir and SKAUST-K revealed that the pest infestation is prevalent in the orchards of some Villages of District Shopian, Kulgam, Anantnag and Pulwama.
The Chief Horticulture Officer Budgam Dr M. Iqbal Baba told, in an exclusive Interview to the STATE TIMES, till date we have not received any such information regarding Apple leaf disease from District Budgam like South Kashmir. But recently we got one information from Nasrullah Poraarea, we rush to the spot along with the scientists of SKAUST-K and other officials of the department to inspect the Apple leaf disease.
The Chief Horticulture Officer said, “We met many orchardists and farmers in their Apple orchards and assured them that department of Horticulture and SKAUST-K leaving no stone unturned to contain Apple leaf blotch miner.”
He said, all types of measures being taken to curb the infestation, there is no shortage of pesticides required for the management of pest ,and orchardists have been requested not to panic and follow the advisory framed by SKAUST-K.
“Meanwhile the Department of Horticulture Kashmir, SKAUST-K and Director Agriculture, Controller pesticides are working in coordination to control pest”, said the officials.
“This is not the first time that the Orchardists of the Valley are confronting the infestation. Some decades back scab had also attained the alarming situation, but through cooperation and coordination of all the stakeholders like ,the department of Horticulture, SKAUST-K and the orchardists, we were able to manage the situation”, added Dr Iqbal Baba.
Chief Horticulture Officer Budgam advised the field functionaries of the Department to remain alert and keep monitoring about the status of the Management.
He also stressed upon farmers not to panic and to follow advisories issued by the Department and Agriculture University in letter and spirit.

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