Appearance of Sahib Kabir on earth

Satguru Madhu Param Hansji Maharaj

Let’s have some knowledge about his holiness Sahib Kabir, the great sympathizer of mankind who brought not only revolutionary changes with the social and religious field by attacking vehemently the prevalent hypocrisy, but also produced a long line of saints who carried forward his noble mission.
He is perhaps the only saint with whom many kinds of superstitions and misconceptions have been associated. This first ever saint appeared in the year 1455 on a lotus flower on Monday in the Lahar Tala pond of Kashi in the early hours of the Jyesht Sudi Poornima. Swami Ashta Nand, the disciple of Ramanand-a great sage of his time, saw all this while sitting in meditation. In order to create misconceptions in the minds of people the hypocrites floated all sorts of misconceptions. They didn’t want the reality to come to light. Some called him the off spring of an unmarried Brahman woman, others described him as the offspring of Muslim weavers and so on. Till date the worldly people nurture these misconceptions. He himself has given a description of his birth and life saying Param Purush Himself created him by churning His own self.
Sahib has divided Bhakti (worship) into 3 parts-1) Sagun 2) Nirgun 3) Pra. The worshippers of Sagun can find a place among 33 crore gods and can attain Sameepya or Salokya- the two out of four kinds of salvation.
Nirgun worship involves the worship related to the five Mudras. The five Mahayogeshwars have performed this worship. This worship is related to the 10th Dwara and can enable a devotee attain Saroopya or Sayujya kind of salvation.
But in both kinds of worship, the devotees will have to take birth again. These can’t help them attain permanent and real salvation.
Sahib has not denounced any kind of worship. He has simply described the limit of each.
In Sagun, the devotee concentrates on words. These words fall in the limit of 52 letters. When the words themselves are destructible, how can these be expected to give permanent salvation.
In Nirgun. the devotee concentrates on Drums (musical notes) 8c enjoys supreme pleasures. Sahib Kabir hasn’t called these Dhuns as God. This is because the Dhun is produced only when two things strike and where two things came into play, there is Maya.
Clearly, both of these worships can’t help one cross the worldly ocean. These are related to Kaal Purush.
Sahib revealed to the worldly people the secret related to Pra Bhakti which is unique and is related to Satguru and Param Purush. This worship is related to the Amarlok and the 11th Dwara and revolves around the Satguru. It can help the devotee cross the worldly ocean and reach his real abode-the Amarlok. The holy Nam in Pra Bhakti is also called as the real Nam, the Sar Nam, the hidden Nam and is, so to say, Param Purush Himself.
This Sar Nam that is absorbed in Param Purush has the power to take the devotee to the immortal Amarlok. Sahib cones to the universe from this very Loka to take the Jivas there after creating awakening among them. No worldly book reveals this hidden truth.
Like Bhakti, Sahib has divided the Brahmand as well in 3 parts. In this Brahmand there are 3 Lokas-1. Shunya Lok 2. Mahashunya Lok and 3. Amarlok. There are 14 abodes (Lokas) in Shunya-Seven Patal Lokas (represented in human body from legs to feet)-are-Atal, Vital, Sutal, Talatal, Mahatal, Rasatal and Patal. These are also called as the Lokas below the earth. The seven Lokas above the legs are-Sidh Lok, Brahm Lok, Vishnu Lok, Shiv Lok, Shakti Lok, Agya Chakra and Sahastar-sar Chakra. So these are the 14 lokas of Shunya.
Creation of the human body and the Brahmand are related to these 14 Lokas.
In Mahashunya, there are seven Lokas. These are located above the head and are connected with awareness. These are-Achint Lok, Soham Lok, Mool Surti lok, Ankur Lok, Ichha Lok, Vani Lok and Sahaj Lok.
All these Lokas are very vast and Nirakar (no definite shape). In each of these Lokas crores of Shunya like Brahmands will get absorbed. There is dissolution upto Shunya and Mahashunya. Sahib said that the abode of the real God-Param Purush is far ahead.
Sahib Kabir knew that the hypocrites had created many misconceptions among people regarding his birth. Before leaving the world he wanted to reveal his real identity. After preaching the real worship for a period of 120 years, he declared that he would leave his body on Magh Sudi Ekadsi of year 1575 at Maggar, near Gorakhpur.
Lakhs of people including his disciples-prominent among them Veer Singh Baghel of Kashi and Nawab Bijli Khan of Awadh gathered there. Veer Singh Baghel directed his Commander in Chief to take the dead body of Sahib Kabir to Kashi where he would erect a Smadhi after performing the last rites. Bijli Khan said that he won’t allow this to happen. He would perform the last rites of the dead body as per his own religion and would erect and Mazar there. Veer Singh and Bijli Khan drew their swords. They wanted to have a fight for taking over the possession of the dead body. In the meantime, a rare light appeared in the sky and there was a word ‘Uthao parda nahi hai murda, Ey re moorakh nadana, tumne humko nehin pahchana.’ When the sheet was removed, there was no dead body to be seen. There were flowers, instead. Sahib performed this miracle in the presence of Lakhs of people. Both the warriors embraced each other. The Hindu took the flowers and erected a Samadhi whereas the Muslims erected a Mazar. They are still to be seen at Maggar and bear witness to the rare greatness of Sahib Kabir.
Sahib came to the universe in a miraculous way and also left it in a miraculous way. Think over in an impartial manner and decide for yourself the truth in all that has been said.

Appearance of Sahib Kabir on eartheditorial articleSatguru Madhu Param Hansji Maharaj
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