Amit holds meeting to evolve PoS-based penalty system against illegal mining


JAMMU: Amit Sharma, Secretary, Mining Department on Wednesday chaired a comprehensive meeting towards evolving system of Point-of-Sale (PoS) based Online Fining/Penalty imposition for Illegal Mining for bringing transparency and ensuring coverage of maximum violators in the Mining Sector.
This all-important meeting was attended by Director Geology & Mining O.P Bhagat, State Informatics Officer Saleem Khan, both Joint Directors of Geology & Mining Nisar Ahmed and Harbans Lal, DMO Jammu Gulshan Kumar, IT Experts of the department, Under Secretary, Mining Department Aamir Hussain amongst others.
Secretary Mining Department Amit Sharma listened to the view-points of all participants especially an expert Inspector Gowhar Ahmed representing Traffic Police headquarters who played a vital role in implementing POS based challaning in Traffic Department and it was decided that timelines shall be drawn to implement this POS based Fining/Penalty in Mining Department as soon as possible. Secretary Mining Amit Sharma emphasised that since this system is already applicable in different departments like Traffic department in the UT and many other organisations in other states and UTs, so it should be replicated hete by J&K Mining Department for maximising revenues of the department thereby bringing maximum efficiency in curbing illegal mining in the UT.
It was also decided before the conclusion of this meeting that a concept note/document shall be created by the department which shall be circulated amongst all experts and finalised before next meeting shall be halted with all stakeholders including J&K Government team so that exact timelines can be drawn for its successful implementation in Mining Department at the earliest.

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