Akhil Bharatiya Kshatriya Mahasabha to hold convention on Jan 10

JAMMU: Convener Akhil Bharatiya Kshatriya Mahasabha, J and K, Ravi Singh Slathia said Mahasabha will hold convention on 10th January, 2016 at 10:30 AM at Partap Hall, Dogra Sadar Sabha Bhawan, Jammu.
Talking to reporters, Slathia informed that convention will be addressed by Dr. Digvijay Singh, former Union Minister, National President, Maharaja Raghubir Singh Sirohi, Patron, Thakur Mahender Singh Tanwar (Advocate) National Working President, Gulchain Singh Charak, former Minister and All India Senior Vice President and other national and State Rajput leaders.
After discussion, he said, the resolutions about the most crucial issues confronting the community will be adopted and decisions for further course of action will be taken.
“The aim of the convention is also to highlight the problems of the Rajputs of this State who did not only help in founding the State but also in defending it by sacrificing for over 100 years till 1947 when ultimately a small Dogra Force of the State under Brig. Rajinder Singh defeated all Pakistan attempts to annex the State by force, and enabled Maharaja Hari Singh to accede to the Indian Union,” he said.
“Today Jammu and Kashmir State is part of India because of these Dogras with valiant Rajputs at the fore-front but unfortunately these very warriors are suffering for the last 60-70 years, as part of discriminatory policy of the government,” he added.
Giving details about the progamme, he disclosed that the programme will start with performing of Pooja at Raj Tilak Bhawan (Rajput Sabha), Purani Mandi, Jammu on 10th January, 2016 at 9:30 AM and thereafter procession will lead to Dogra Sadar Sabha.
He requested all to reach the venue in their traditional dress and with Dogra Pagri.
Other office bearers present during the press conference were Gambhir Dev Singh Charak (Chief Organiser), Dr. Raghubir Singh Charak (Co-Convener), Amrik Singh Karamyogi, Rameshwar Singh Manhas, Rashpal Singh Chib, Pawan Singh Manhas, Dalbir Singh Chib, Ajit Singh and other members of the Organising Committee.
Meanwhile, they also expressed shock over sad demise of Mufti Mohd. Sayeed. They prayed to the Almighty to rest his soul in peace and grant courage and fortitude to the bereaved family.
Losing a seasoned politician of the State is a great loss to the people of whole State, they said.

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