Air Deccan keen to start services to Himachal

Shimla, Nov 7 (PTI) Budget airline Air Deccan today offered to start to-and-fro flights to Shimla, Kullu, Dharamsala and Kangra from Delhi and Chandigarh.

Chairman and Managing Director of Air Deccan Captain G R Gopinath expressed his interest to start services to different parts of the hill state at an investor meet organised by Himachal government in Bangalore.

The airline is keen to start three flights per day to Shimla from Delhi and two flights each between Chandigarh and Kullu, Gopinath said, adding the services can be started within one month of obtaining necessary clearances.

Evincing keen interest in the offer, Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh agreed in principle to the proposal and asked the company to submit the proposal soon so that the government could examine it and take follow up action.

The chief minister put the government’s viewpoints on investment and said “we want to develop an IT park in Himachal and the exercise on it will be started on return to Shimla”.

TVS Motor is also interested in setting up engine manufacturing plant of scooties. The representative of TVS, who called upon the Chief Minister and sought expansion and additional investment in the state, expressed happiness with the cooperation they were getting from the Himachal Government and committed to invest more.

The Chairman and Managing Director of ‘Kurlon’, Sudhakarpai said the company was looking forward to launch both warm and cold mattresses and was planning to come over to Himachal with an investment of more than 250 crore.

He also assured to look into the possibilities of investing in the education sector.

Vice-Chairman of Toyota Vikram Kirloskar was of the view that Himachal was a perfect destination for investment.

He showed keen interest in investing in the state while other investors including?Wipro Consumer care and lighting plant sought expansion and investing more than Rs 500 crore as per future expansion plans.

Industries Minister proposed to start initially from Kandrori in Kangra which was being coming up as a base for entrepreneurs.

He said the government will appreciate the move as such and invited the proposal.

The representatives of Volvo India ltd also showed keen interest in investing in Himachal besides the representatives from Dell Computers.

The Chief Minister urged the Dell authorities to invest in IT sector in Himachal Pradesh for which the Government will provide all possible help for setting up IT parks.

Air Deccanticker
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