Abolish caste base reservation: Aarakshan Virodhi Manch Jammu

AKHNOOR : Addressing a meeting of Aarakshan Virodhi Manch Jammu (AVMJ), its President Ram Pal Seth hailed the election speech delivered by Prime Minister Narinder Modi in Jharkhand in which he said that caste is not reasonable in jobs. Seth said that AVMJ stands for total abolition of caste-based reservation and demands equal status to all people so as to allow the efficiency and ability to prevail. He alleged that Indian Constitution has become a game in the hands of political parties and it has been amended in such a way that its very nature and form is absolutely changed.
Yash Paul Senson, Gen Secretary of the Manch demanded Special Support Measures (SSM) for the welfare of the poor and needy people irrespective of their caste, religion and region. He said that reservation has been used by political parties as a vote catching device and a safe passage. Reservation has been cementing castism and communalism which are a threat to the unity and integrity of the country. Senson demanded that all the privileges given by the government on the basis of caste be withdrawn and they should be provided on the basis of economic condition.
Raj Kumar Banathia Vice-President of the Manch said nearly all political parties are vying with each other to please particular section advocating reservation for them indeed ignore the poor and needy of unreserved categories, which is great injustice. He lashed out at the previous governments for following appeasement policy,
The participants through a resolution appealed to the people to vote for parties and candidates who oppose caste-based reservation. The meeting was attended by Deepak Khajuria, V.K Sharma, Krishan Kumar, Vivek Kumar, Ashok Kumar, Sat Pal Sharma, Tara Singh, Bushan Pargal, Som Dutt and others.

Aarakshan Virodhi Manch Jammu
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