Prof Nutan K Resutra
Scene I, 1947: Tragic, foolhardy and unwanted slicing off of India into two; birth of an illegitimate child named Pakistan.
Scene II, 1947-48: Attack of Pakistani Army in the garb of Kabailies in Jammu and Kashmir. Brutal rape, murder and ruthless plundering of Kashmiris by Kabailies in Baramula. Illegal occupation of Mirpur, Kotli, Muzaffarabad, Baluchistan by Pakistani forces with ulterior intentions of some of the Indian so- called leaders too. World’s biggest migration from Pakistan to India and vice-versa occurs. Our Prime Minister is too prompt to take the matter to the UN. Stalemate on Jammu and Kashmir.
Scene III, 1965:Pakistan attacks India with the might of Pattan Tanks to capture Jammu and Kashmir. Attempt turns out futile. We lose many braves, and also the then Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri. Gains? You tell me.
Scene IV, 1971: Another war between India and Pakistan. India helps in liberation of Bengali majority East Pakistan that becomes Bangladesh. Almost one lakh Pakistani soldiers surrender before Indian Army in Dhakka. Indira-Bhutto Accord in Shimla. India gains nothing except wah-wahi!
Scene V, late Eighties and Nineties: Operation Topaz of Pakistan President General Zia-ul-Haq is put into action and the Valley of Kashmir bears the ugly brunt of terrorism that becomes an infected wound or nasoor. Unaccounted and unrecorded killings take place. Yet another migration of Kashmiri Pandits occurs who leave their hearth and home in Kashmir and leave for anywhere and everywhere with a dismal hope to return one day. As of today, many of them have died, their desire of returning to their lost homes being cremated with them.
I can myself feel their pain as we are also bhukt-bhogi; the sufferers. My parents too were forced to migrate in 1947 from Kotli. During the last days of his life, my father Master Karam Chand Ji would sometimes tell me: Last night, I again saw Kotli in my dreams. And then, with the innocence of a child, he would ask me: Shall we ever be able to go to Kotli again? To that, I just had no answer!
Scene VI, The Kargil War: Pakistan makes yet another attempt to capture Jammu and Kashmir; this time through Drass. Brave Indian forces foil that nefarious attempt, but do not cross the borders. So again, many brave- heart tales, but Pakistan remains Pakistan.
Scene VII, Uri, Balakot Surgical Strikes and there-after: The Defence Minister of India Rajnath Singh Ji has reiterated that PoK will itself come and join with India. Same sentiments were aired by Yogi Adityanath Ji too. As a common man, we can presume that an action akin to the liberation of Bangladesh may take place and Pakistan Occupied Kashmir may also become part of India again.
Politically and emotionally,perhaps an excellent issue. But practically, is it a viable one? Should we have with us a new generation of financially weak, politically subdued,whose at least three generations have suffered under the Army Boots;and religiously, a hardline one- can I say a fanatic one? – with our liberal, well- educated, open- minded classes?With all respect Sir, please permit me to disagree.So, should we keep on suffering due to the proxy war unleashed by Pakistan, especially on Jammu and Kashmir and do nothing? My humble suggestion would be:
Aao Pakistan chalein!
Before I elaborate myself, I believe the main cause of animosity between the two countries is hatred propaganda unleashed by certain vested interests on both sides. In India, and that too in Kashmir, “Muslims are persecuted; they are not allowed to perform their religious activities; their lives and properties are not safe; in India, Islam khatrey mein hai: thus, we must launch Jehad to save Muslims.” This has been the brain-wash all along that gives birth to hard core terrorists. And we are ever fed the concept that Pakistan is our enemy country and all her people must be hated. The false propaganda machines have been churning fake narratives non-stop. But does the common man of one country indeed hate his erstwhile brother? I again disagree.
I have personally seen on my visit to Pakistan that the general people have expressed love, respect and regards for us. They were all help and gave special treatment to me and my family just because we belonged to Jammu, India. The same feeling is clearly visible when some guests arrive from Pakistan. We are too happy to meet them and feel honoured with their presence among us.
I am always perplexed when I read about the fall of Berlin Wall. For decades, the world powers kept feeding hatred among East and West Berlin which completely got vanished with the fall of the Wall. For everlasting peace, why is it not possible between the two parts of Jammu and Kashmir; first as a pilot projectand later for the whole country? Let us make borders open for all with free movement of everyone from here to there and there to here. Let our people feel the restrictions imposed upon their counter-parts; let them see how PoK walas are not allowed to raise their voice; let them see the footprints of Military Boots of the Establishment Democracy; let them bear the gallows of strangulations of minorities; let them face the deficiency of medical, education and daily basic facilities; let them be aware in how many areas our erstwhile brethren are indeed deprived of.
And when they come to our part of Jammu and Kashmir, their propaganda myths shall be shattered. They shall see for sure how everyone has full freedom to follow his own religious rituals; how we enjoy the freedom to boot-out any government we are not happy with; how economically, socially, medically, educationally, and above all, constitutionally we are far, far better off than them; let them realise that the idea of so-called liberation of persecuted Muslims in India is the most absurd thing fed to them in their ill-education; and how we all can reap the benefits of the better of each other if we meet, mix and understand. Let them feel the fragrance of their Lahori Culture intermingled our Vasudev Kutumbakam.
Sounds very good, indeed. But it is Utopian. Will the hawks on both sides let this ever happen? Will those who flourish from the terror-trade let their bounty suffer? Will those leaders who try to befool people by hate-speech take risk of losing their so -called popular base? I seriously doubt.
But then this is new India. Things that never happened before we see them happen now. If Uri and Balakot can happen, opening up of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and Indian Jammu and Kashmir borders is also possible.
Modi Hai, to Mumkin Hai !!
(The author is former Principal GGM Science College and former Chairman, J&K BOSE)