A Quest to Know RSS

Dr. Bharti Gupta

A quest to know and unravel the enigmatic acronym “RSS” that has ignited the imagination of many in televised debates has yielded to this article. RSS stands for Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, a prominent nationalist organization in India. The name “Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh” is comprised of words, Rashtriya: This word means “national” or “nationalist” in Hindi. It signifies the organization’s focus on promoting a sense of nationalism. Swayamsevak: This term can be translated to “volunteer” or “selfless worker”. It refers to the individuals who are members of the RSS and participate in its activities as volunteers.
Sangh: This word means “organization” or “association.” It signifies that the RSS is a structured and organized group. So, when combined, the name “Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh” essentially means “National Volunteer Organization” or “National Selfless Worker’s Association.” The RSS is renowned for its commitment to volunteerism, cultural preservation, and the promotion of Hindu cultural and nationalistic values in Bharat.
The RSS was founded in the year 1925 on the day of Vijayadashmi, in Nagpur, Maharashtra, by Dr. Keshavrao Baliram Hedgewar, a medical doctor. The name Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh was adopted in a meeting held on April 17, 1926. Dr. Hedgewar was unanimously elected “Sangh Pramukh” on December 19, 1926. To carry out the organization more effectively and systematically he was nominated as the Sarsanghchalak in November 1929. The organization’s primary objective is to promote the physical and moral development of individuals and instill a sense of pride in Hindu culture and heritage. Dr.Hedgewar was of the opinion that discipline is the unifying force. He believed that a strong social order alone would ensure world peace. He was clear that “the organization we aspire for, is not offensive in nature.
It is not intended for suppressing others nor is it for destroying them or exploiting their wealth to become prosperous. Our concept of organization exhorts us to gain strength to fight the unjust and oppressive machination of the aggressor. Over the centuries, the invaders were emboldened by our inherent vulnerability. Our own frailty prompted them to wreak havoc on us. Our avowed objective is to fortify ourselves to demoralize and dissuade the assailant from attacking us. The organization serves as immunization against the epidemic of the enemy’s belligerence and hostility. Unless attacked, our strength poses no threat to others”.
The chief guide in the RSS is Sarsanghchalak who is nominated by his predecessor, after due deliberations with the seniormost functionaries of the Sangh. He holds his office or position till there is a specific reason or circumstance for him to relinquish the responsibility. One notable figure in the RSS’s history is Madhav Rao Sadashiv Rao Golwalkar, affectionately known as “Guru Ji.” He played a pivotal role in shaping the RSS’s ideology and organizational structure during his tenure as the second Sarsanghchalak from 1940 to 1973. He was an advocate too.
The M.S. Golwalkar was followed by Madhukar Duttatrey alias Bala Saheb Deoras from 1973 to 1994 who was also a law graduate. He was a strong advocate for social reforms particularly for the abolition of caste discrimination which affirms his strong belief in the movement for social harmony; He was followed by Prof. Rajendra Singh alias Rajju Bhaiya from 1994 to 1998. He served as a professor of physics at Allahabad University for many years. As a true nationalist, he supported the cause of Swadeshi, empowerment of rural economy and education. He emphasized the need to make the villages free of hunger, illiteracy, and disease, and as a result large number of projects were taken up during his tenure. He was followed by Kuppahalli Sitaramayya Sudarshan who served as the Sarsanghchalak of the RSS from 2000 to 2009. He was Telecommunication Engineer (B.E.) (Hons). He was an ardent believer in Swadeshi, he had a deep knowledge of the state-of-the-art technologies and innovations and stressed upon their extensive adoption for making India a self-reliant and progressive nation. In 2009, he handed over the charge to Mohan Rao Bhagwat.
Mohan Rao Bhagwat is the current Sarsanghchalak of the RSS, He is a veterinary surgeon by education and training. He is a man of precision, a positive disposition, and a dynamic outlook. Under his leadership, the RSS has continued its activities and influence in various spheres of Indian society. He has infused an air of confidence, self-belief, and zeal among the volunteers. Under his leadership and guidance, Sangh has acquired a new façade of a highly progressive, proactive, and energetic organization that is quick to evolve and adapt to the new challenges and changes taking place at the social, national, and international levels. The RSS places a strong emphasis on physical fitness, discipline, and character development among its members, and it organizes various cultural and religious programs.
The organization has a distinctive uniform, known as “ganavesh,” which consists of a white shirt, khaki pants (formerly khaki shorts), a black cap, a belt, and brown shoes.
A dedicated RSS worker is referred to as a “Karyakarta,” and those actively participating in RSS activities are called “swayamsewaks”. The “Shakha” serves as the basic unit of the RSS, hosting daily gatherings where members engage in physical exercises, discussions, games, and drills. For more extensive training, Instructor’s Training Camps (ITCs)/ Shiksha Varg are conducted. Joining the RSS that is Sangh Pravesh involves no complex membership process; it requires a love for Bharat, faith in Bhartiya culture, and a spirit of service. At the core of the RSS are lifelong dedicated workers known as “Pracharaks.” These individuals renounce family obligations and commit themselves entirely to the RSS’s organizational work, avoiding marital bonds to serve the national cause. Sangh Pracharaks do not seek position or power nor try to be in the limelight like political leaders, however, they provide steadfast support to the RSS’s organizational efforts. The RSS’s saffron flag, known as the “Bhagwa Dhwaj,” symbolizes sacrifice and is revered as a Guru within the organization. It is worshipped on Vyas Purnima day each year, and swayamsewaks offer their respects with “Guru Dakshina,” contributing to the organization’s self-sustainability. RSS has its affiliated organizations, collectively known as the Sangh Parivar. The sangh Parivar has been set up with the proper organisational structure and professional acumen to undertake activities and programs relating to women empowerment, education, vanvasis, labour, culture, religion, history, politics, health services law , security and so on. The prominent affiliated organizations comprising Sangh Parivar include the following: Rashtra Sevika Samiti: This gives due consideration to the Matrishakti and their crucial role in the social and national arena. Laxmibai Kelkar in consultation with Dr. Hedgewar set up the Rashtriya Sevika Samiti on the day of vijayadashmi in 1936.
Akhil Bhartiya Vidhyarathi Parishad (ABVP): ABVP came into existence on 13th June 1948. It is the largest students’ organization known for its high values, sense of responsibility, discipline, and dedication towards the nation’s cause.
Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram (VKA): It was founded in 1952. The prime objective of VKA is to bring the vanvasis into the mainstream of the society so that they become an integral part of the nation’s progress and growth. It is the largest organization working for the tribal welfare and upliftment.
Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP): In 1951, Bhartiya Jan Sangh was formed by Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee after resigning as Union Minister in the Nehru cabinet. He was joined by sangh karyakartas. In 1967 Jan Sangh formed coalition governments in various states. After the lifting of the emergency in 1977 and before the national polls, at the insistence of Jai Prakash Narayan, four parties including Jan Sangh merged to form the Janata Party. The Janata Party was subsequently dissolved. In April 1980, under the leadership of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Bhartiya Janata Party was formed as a new party.
Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS): Dattopant Thengadi, a senior Sangh Prachark, set up BMS on 23rd July 1955 as the ray of hope for the labour class. Its objective and philosophy was to safeguard the interests of the entire “industrial family and the Nation as a whole. Vidya Bharati: With the objective of providing quality education based on the sublime values of nationalism, the first Saraswati Shishu Mandir came up in 1952 in Gaurakhpur (U.P.) For better management and control of various State Shiksha Samitis, an all India organization namely “Vidya Bharti” was set up in 1977. Bharat Vikas Parishad (BVP): This was set up in 1963 by Dr. Suraj Prakash and Lala Hans Raj Gupta, BVP focused its attention on the elite and well-off section of the society. One of its main objectives is to mobilize the resources of this influential and affluent class and encourage them to participate in the nation-building. It has five guiding principles viz. contact, cooperation, culture, service and dedication.
Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP): VHP was set up in 1964.The prime objective of VHP is to create a unified, strong, and devout social order comprising various sects, cults, communities and faiths who share an innate affiliation and relationship with Hindutva.
Akhil Bhartiya Sahitya Parishad (ABSP): This was established in 1966 with the objective of making the nationalist ideology play a more effective and all-encompassing role in the society promoting cultural awakening and enhancing India’s prestige in the field of literature. Deendayal Research Institute (DRI): This was established in 1972 in memory of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya, the great visionary and thinker. DRI has initiated a number of innovative programs relating to the farmers in various states in the country. Its schemes like afforestation in rural areas, planting of fruit trees, and use of technology in the farm sector have been remarkably successful.
Bhartiya Itihaas Sankalan Samiti (BISS): This was set up in 1972 under the visionary guidance and inspiration of Shri Umakant Keshav Apte. It provides the requisite support to people who intend to do intensive research into the unexplored and unresearched aspects of Indian history using the latest scientific tools and resources.
Bhartiya Kisan Sangh (BKS): BKS was set up to uphold and support the farmers and initiate programs for their all-round growth and progress.
Bhartiya Shikshan Mandal (BSM): it was established to impart value-based education and forming teacher groups to put up strong resistance to the anti-national forces. To expand its activities and operational areas, another organization “Akhil Bhartiya Rashtriya Shakshik Mahasangh” was also been set up. Sanskar Bharati: This promotes national awakening in the Indian art form and culture through various activities and events. It also supports and provides requisite assistance to the nationalist creative performers. Sanskrit Bharati: it was set up in 1981 in Bengaluru as an all-India organization. It is fully committed to promoting the Sanskrit language.
Rashtriya Sikh Sangat: This is devotedly engaged in fostering amity and unity among the Sikhs and the Hindus.
Swadeshi Jagaran Manch (SJM): This was set up in 1991 by Dattopant Thengadi. SJM is a platform of the crusaders of “swadeshi” who are untiringly working to create social awareness and awakening for the adoption and consumption of indigenous goods.
Akhil Bhartiya Adhivakta Parishad: It is an organization of leading legal experts who are engaged in making efforts for the twin objective of modifying the Indian legal system in accordance with the tenets of the Indian culture.
Sewa Bharati: This is part of the Sewa Vibhag which looks after the issues and problems faced by socially and economically underprivileged people.
Samajik Samrasta Manch: it is a social harmony forum that came into being with a view to deal with the menace of social evils affecting society like racial discrimination, caste conflict, untouchability, etc.
Pragya Bharati: This was set up with a view to meet the challenges posed by the inimical and anti-national forces at the intellectual level.
Kutumb Prabohan: Recognizing the all-important role of the family from personal and social perspectives and to salvage the situation and restore harmony in the families the Sangh took the initiative and set up “Kutumb Prabodhan in 1994 at Bangaluru.
Dharm Jagaran Samanvaya Vibhag: This is primarily aimed at countering the adverse consequences of demographic aggression.
Go-Samvardhan: As the Sangh has always been an ardent votary of Cow’s protection and preservation, it started a comprehensive project “Go-Samvardhan” to tackle the issues with utmost dedication and concern.
Vigyan Bharati: This is an organization of eminent scientists who are constantly working to explore the theories and research of ancient Indian scientists in various branches of science.
Laghu Udyog Bharati: This organization envisages addressing the problems of small and cottage industries, devising solutions, and keeping in view the indigenous conditions to make them sustainable models of growth and development.
Purva-Sainik Parishad: This is an organization to look after the rehabilitation and welfare of ex-servicemen and explores avenues to utilize their expertise, patriotic zeal, sense of discipline, and spirit of service and sacrifice.
Sahkar Bharati: This has been entrusted with the task of forging coordination among the producers, distributors, and customers in the spirit of cooperative culture and thus strengthening the process of cooperative and economic development.
Akhil Bhartiya Grahak Panchayat (ABGP): This looks after the management, organization, and critical issues of the customers with a view to strengthening and boosting the economy.
Vishwa Vibhag: This manages, supervises, and coordinates the activities of the swayamsewaks working outside India.
Aarogya Bharati: This was established in 2002 to take care of health-related issues not merely physical but in a holistic sense ensuring soundness of mind, intellect, body and conduct.
Prachar Vibhag: This was set up in 1947 in Delhi to bring out Weeklies namely Organiser and Paanchjanya and later various other periodicals. Another efficient wing of the media is Vishwa Samwad Kendra. The RSS, through its dedicated Swayamsewaks, remains committed to the cause of social organization and the advancement of Bharat as a great nation. With unwavering dedication, these individuals tirelessly engage in numerous activities and initiatives within the country and around the world, presenting an Indian paradigm for a new global social order focused on universal welfare.
(The author is Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism and Travel Management, Central University of Jammu).

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