A Grand Finish to world’s Largest Democratic Festival


The seven phase election to the world’s largest democracy has a grand finish today with the Prime minister Narendra Modi in the election fray from coveted seat of Kashi and the festival of democracy will come to end on 1st of June 2024.In total 57 Lok Sabha seats will go to polls on the last seven phase and the counting of all the phases will take place on 4th June and in all probability it will be clear which party or group of parties will come to power .The general impression is that NDA government of Narendra Modi will get the power for the third time in succession .The total number of 10.06 cr registered voters will cast their ballot in the last phase and with it the biggest and largest electoral exercise will come to close and with it all the eyes are now set on the exit polls as they will definitely show which party or coalition of parties will occupy power at the centre .The total number of 543 seats are there and 272 seats are required to form the government.BJP claims that this time they will cross the mark of 400 seats but the things indicate that even if the NDA will not reach 400 mark, it can get more than 350 seats which implies that BJP will form the government for the record third time and it will be a strong government capable to pilot the nation with determination and grit. It is in the fitness of things to note that UPA government came to power in 2009 and repeats its 2004 showing and comes back to power ,increasing its tally to 262.In 2014 Narendra Modi leads the BJP to a clear majority with 282 seats and 31.31% of the votes to wrest power .In 2019,PM Modi wins his second election riding a dominant showing by the BJP .In 1999 ,the BJP led NDA Bloc wins near majority and forms the government with the support of TDP. With the closure of the largest democratic exercise all the votes will be in the EVM’s and on the 4th of June the counting of votes of all the seven phases of polls will take place and in the noon,it will be crystal clear which combination of parties will win the elections and come to power at centre. The political parties ,poll experts and the general public are waiting anxiously and eagerly for the electoral outcomes and the picture will be clear on June 4 ,as the day advances and in all probability Modi is all set to get the third term in succession to finish the agenda of the saffron party and carry on the developmental agenda and inclusive politics of which BJP boasts .In his third term and avtar BJP will chalk its route to further consolidate development and inclusivity and it will finish those tasks for which it has got the highest mandate and will try to come up to the expectation of the electorate. The new NDA government will accomplish the uniform common code for all Indians and it will be the yeoman’s task and along with UCC,CAA will also be implemented in the third term of the Modi government .When UCC and CAA will be accomplished, it will revolutionize the Indian polity and it will be written in the golden letters in the history of independent India .Modi has emerged as a popular world leader and his position as a global leader will further be strengthened in the days to come and Modi’s say in international arena will be a great asset for India and he will continue to guide the world and the world is going to accept the leadership of Modi .Now that all the votes of the seven election phases are sealed in EVM’s and on June 4,the counting of all the votes will take place and as the day advances ,it will be clear as to who will sit on the throne of New Delhi .The churning of the electoral exercise will be made on 4th of June and nectar as well as the poison will come out from the electoral churning and it will become obvious as to which combination of parties will occupy the coveted Delhi throne .Democracy will triumph once again on the political horizon and landscape of India .All eyes are set on the counting on 4th June and the things will be clear on the forenoon and the winner will have a field day .People and the political parties as well as the poll experts are waiting for 4th of June with belated birth as it will be on this day of counting which way the wind will blow and which party /combination of parties will win the elections .Even as the votes are sealed in electronic voting machines, there is probability that BJP will come out to win the elections with flying colors and the right wing saffron party will win the polls third time in succession and Modi will become the prime minister the third time .The grand tamasha will unfold its mystery and Modi will again gain power the third time in succession and the largest electoral exercise will bear its fruit and the new government will be in place soon. The grand finale of the world’s largest democracy has come to end successfully and with it the prospects of the new centre government will be clear as the day of counting advances and the country will have a new democratic government soon which will be responsive to the needs ,concerns and aspirations of the electorate .This festival of democracy will chose the new centre government which will come to the expectation of the people .All the votes of the seven poll phases are sealed in EVM’s and the new centre government will be soon in place after the counting of the aggregate votes and on the forenoon of the day of counting on 4th June ,the picture will be clear and the country will have a new centre government in place as per the wishes and aspirations of the people .In short the grand tamasha of the largest electoral exercise has come to a glorious close on 1st June with the voting of 57 Lok Sabha seats including of the Prime Minister Modi and on 4th June it will be clear which way will the wind blow and who will win the election and form the new government at centre.
(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist).

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