370 uprooted 370-What a blessing in open for peace and prosperity for us all

J R Aryan

It was really a heyday of mammoth joy, glory and satisfaction for J&K State in particularly and for the largest democracy of the world namely India, our beloved Nation, in general, that the pernicious, ugly, controversial and obnoxious Article 370 of our Constitution was uprooted and done away with a thumping, glaring and overwhelming majority of 370 votes of our Parliamentarians on 5th of August 2019 which shall be remembered as a red letter day by one and all henceforth.
This controversial, pernicious Article though a temporary provision having been implemented on Jan 26, 1950 on the politically knitted faulty policy and mathematics of the then PM with the separatists ideologist and political stalwarts of the valley and the Pro-Pak oriented leaders who advocated lor special stalus Tor die Stale under its own Constitution, was not only a contempt of the Constitution itself but had been acting as a stab in the back to the unity integrity , solidarity and sovereignty of the Nation and to its glaring Democracy, as has been seen by us all since early fifties .It has been this pernicious Article which gave birth to the so-called Kashmir Problem which infact should have been in true sense for that Portion of J&K State which Pak had grabbed by nasty aggression in 1947 during Maharaja Hari Singh’s rule who was then the sovereign head of the State.
The J&K Stale under India is under legal historic accession and not having been grabbed under aggression by unfair means as Pak did for the portion it grabbed by force which now is termed POK which Pak had been making as its Hub Centre of militancy and militant camps against India and J&K State, which even POK people are also totally fed-up and raising their voices against Pak – the epi- centre of terrorism – This controversial Article 370 was opposed tooth and nail by the Architect of the Indian Constitution Dr. B.R. Ambedkar along with other Nationalistic Leaders of the Country on the plea that it shall adversely tell upon the unity, integrity, sovereignty- and solidarity of the Nation besides creating fissures in the State-Centre relations under separate laws for centre and state to create deformity to uniformity. Dr. B.R Ambedkar had even walked out of the meeting in protest against this Article upon which the then PM and the Govt in consultation with lawmakers added it as a temporary provision. We all have been witnessing all this since the promulgation of this silly Article.
In fact abrogation of this Article has gone a long way to pave a way for communal harmony to revive peace, amity and brotherhood in J&K in particular and in the country in general by demolishing the aberrations of the Pak supported anti-national forces which had been creating terrorism and trouble to threaten the Unity and Integrity of our Nation. No doubt the ugly Art. 370 has breathed its last with J&K’s Progress now vast and superfast in all spheres with love, fellow feelings and brotherhood everywhere .
With Article 370 now no more the J&K State is on a peaceful shore with love and affection among people all the more and all mutual feelings without sore.
My words are too weak to express the enormity of my respectful feelings to the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi the 14th PM of India under whose supreme Governess and Leadership the controversial antinational Article’s abrogation has proved as a boon for the Nation while a suffocation for the anti-national disruptive generation to teach and preach them a lesson to abandon and lessen their dirty passion and vibration for creation of Vandalism communalism and unwarranted hateful religious feelings among inhabitants of our Nation.
With Art. 370’s death the anti-Indian and anti-national elements have also lost their breath.
The writer makes an appeal to one and all of every religion to shower love, affections, sympathy on one another and show enormous respect, regard, reverence and devotion to all religions which leach and preach us the true values of human life and all Universal goodness.
(The writer is Retd
Executive Engineer Kishtwar).

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