300 Women Scientists to get grant for 3 years: Dr Jitendra


NEW DELHI: “300 women Scientists to get research grant for 3 years under CSIR- ASPIRE scheme” said Dr. Jitendra Singh Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Science and Technology, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Earth Sciences, MoS PMO, Department of Atomic Energy, Department of Space, Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, here on Friday.
Chairing a meeting of the Department of Scientific and Industrial research (DSIR) Dr. Jitendra Singh said innovations in Science and technology should empower citizens in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision to promote ease of living. While reviewing the planning of DSIR and CSIR for the next 100 days, Dr Jitendra Singh commended the CSIR- ASPIRE scheme which is a testimony of the government’s efforts to support women scientists. “Aspire” is a Special Call for Research Grants for Women Scientists launched on the occasion of International Women’s Day last year. Around 3,000 proposals were received out of which 300 proposals have been selected after screening and independent reviewing, the area-wise research committees recommended a total of 301 research proposals for support.
Dr. Jitendra Singh expressed his satisfaction over the success of ‘One Week One Lab’ initiative and directed the team to scale it up and work on lines of ‘One Week One Theme’ initiative. ‘One Week One Lab’ (OWOL) campaign of CSIR showcases the diverse legacies, exclusive innovations and technological breakthroughs of the network of 37 CSIR labs situated across the Nation, working in diversified domains of science and technology. He said “Our aim should be to build stronger connections with various industries and MSMEs, start-ups and other stakeholders, and not just confining it within the walls of the laboratory, he added.
Union Science & technology Minister also directed to carry forward and scale up the Seaweed mission along with its Commercial cultivation to promote sustainable green economy. Going further he highlighted the fact that India produces 774 tonnes of biomedical waste daily, and lauded CSIR’s efforts which transforms Pathogenic Biomedical Waste into Value-added Soil Additives. Dr. Jitendra also congratulated Team CSIR on its successful endeavours such as E-Tiller, 108- Petal lotus, and success of purple mission.
He also directed scientists of CSIR to integrate Phenome India-CSIR Health Cohort Knowledgebase (PI-CHeCK) with artificial Intelligence and Machine learning models to enable the development of targeted diagnostic and prognostic technologies, thus paving the path for Precision Medicine in India and perhaps, globally. He also enquired on the progress of comprehensive database of Indian women foot anthropometry and gait identification of defective gait pattern at early stage of development of supportive/corrective footwear to prevent progression of osteoarthritis and other complications arising out of ageing in women.
“Biomanufacturing and Bio-foundry will drive India’s future bioeconomy and promote “Green Growth” says Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh while chairing another meeting of the Department of Biotechnology (DBT). Addressing the meeting he highlighted that India’s bio-economy has grown nearly 13 folds in the last 10 years from $10 billion in 2014 to over $130 billion in 2024. He expressed his belief that with PM Modi’s leadership we now have an enabling ecosystem of industrial development and entrepreneurship.Dr. Jitendra Singh said, “In keeping with India’s realisation of a global vision, the last ‘Vote-on-Account’ envisaged an exclusive scheme to promote biomanufacturing and bio-foundry”.
He said, the scheme will help transform today’s consumptive manufacturing paradigm to the one based on regenerative principles. It will provide environment-friendly alternatives such as biodegradable polymers, bio-plastics, bio-pharmaceuticals and bio-Agri-inputs to supplement Bio-Start-Ups and bio-economy, he added.
He directed the scientists and officials that we have to maintain this momentum and promote and empower farmers and Agri-entrepreneurs.
Dr. Jitendra Singh also emphasised on development of indigenous technologies and products. He motivated DBT to harmonise integration of research between research Institutions, Industrial R&D and Start Up Ecosystem.
Dr. Rajesh Gokhale, Secretary, Department of Bio-Technology and Dr. N. Kalaiselvi, DG CSIR along senior scientists and officials of both the departments were present for the meeting.

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