2 Kashmir athletes denied US visa

Srinagar/New Delhi: Two snowshoers from Kashmir have alleged they have been denied visa to the US due to “current (US) policy” even as American Embassy in New Delhi maintained that Indians are not affected by the recent executive order of President Donald Trump. “Indian Snowshoers Denied Visas, due to ‘current (US) policy’. This from our good friend Abid Khan, from Kashmir, minutes ago in our Facebook Messaging,” Clyde Rabideau, Mayor of the Village of Saranac Lake in New York, wrote on his Facebook page. When contacted, US Embassy Spokesperson in Delhi said, “For privacy reasons we cannot discuss specific visa cases. However, we note that Indian citizens are not affected by the recent executive order.”
The snowshoers reportedly denied visas are Abid Khan and Tanveer Hussain. The duo were scheduled to participate in the World Snowshoe Championships at Saranac in New York from February 24-25. They were invited by World Snow-Shoe Federation for the championship.

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