Fighting spirit of Punjab

Dear Editor,
The land of Guru’s who showed the path of real spirituality, the land of Bulleh Shah who pioneered Sufism, the land which added the zing to the freedom struggle of India,the land that made nation proud with the Green Revolution has now to prove its worth. No one can take away the zenith from Punjab. This is the real Punjab we all are familiar with and are proud of. Punjab is the heart of India. It pumps the adreline in the body of India. Globally Punjab has the distinction of introducing the Langar system which is adopted in every part of the world.Any calamity, anywhere in the globe is taken care by Smartians who make it a point that no one shall remain hungry no matter what happens.This is the Punjab which gives us real josh.
All said and done the other face of present Punjab is very scary and painful. Countless families frustrated, mothers crying in pain, the reason is heart rending the youth have followed a path which is towards darkness and a wrong turn of life. We may succeed to ban a movie which shows reality of life but we cant move away from the fact that Punjab is unfortunately infected by drug addiction menace. We cannot run away from the reality and politics cannot be the answer and remedy of social abuse. Most of the NDPS cases are related to Punjab in one way or other. Shying away from the reality will not solve the problem at all. Acceptance of a social abuse and then the remedy will definitely make Punjab shine again.There are many pathetic stories from Punjab where youth have gone astray and chosen a path of no return. The tears in the eyes of parents is agony and pain not only for the Punjabi culture but to the Nation because without Punjabi contribution India will remain hallow. It is the moral responsibly of Punjabis to fight the enemy politically ,socially and defeat this menace. No one has the courage to doubt the fighting spirit of Punjab. This is a pious land and it will always fly like legendary Milka Singh. Udta Punjab cant scare Punjab but awake it to fight the demon of sweet poison.
Sanjay Raina

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