Who do so-called mainstream leaders think they are fooling?


JAMMU: Who they are trying to fool unless they themselves are the ones? Senior mainstream leaders of Kashmir, mostly belonging to National Conference, keep blaming Jagmohan for the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits in 1990. In an interaction with a Srinagar-based daily, Mustafa Kamal had blamed, inter-alia, Jagmohan for hatching conspiracies to break exodus of Pandit community so as to ‘butcher’ the Kashmiri Muslims following outbreak of terrorism in late 1989. He had gone to the extent of saying that killing of Kashmiri Pandits was part of the conspiracy hatched by Jagmohan. Notwithstanding Farooq Abdullah having apologised to Kashmiri Pandits for their forced exodus, the so-called mainstream leaders like Mustafa kept shielding the crimes of barbaric and inhuman Jihadis.
What is the call of leaders like Mustafa Kamal about migration of thousands of Muslims from the Valley in early 90s? Was that also a conspiracy hatched by Jagmohan? If so, did the migrant Muslims become part of bigger conspiracy to ‘butcher’ their brethren back in the Valley? Ironically, it was National Conference-led Government that informed the Legislative Assembly during 2010-11- Budget Session that 2,168 Kashmiri Muslim families were registered with the Relief Organisation, getting free rations and cash assistance. This single fact frustrates the malicious propaganda unleashed by mainstream leaders against a person, who had endeared himself with the masses during his gubernatorial assignment from April 26,1984 to July 12,1989 at the strength of good governance and development.
The people of Kashmir, Jammu and Ladakh saw a benevolent, humane and honest administrator in Jagmohan who introduced open darbar where the poorest of Kashmiri people could have their problems solved on an urgent basis . He concentrated on building schools and hospitals, restoring iconic cultural centres like Mughal time gardens, mosques and tombs and developed roads and other infrastructure on war footing basis . He maintained constant rapport with the people of far flung areas to boost the morale of all.
Such was the level of goodwill Jagmohan enjoyed in all the three regions of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh that Farooq Abdullah was ‘constrained’ to admit and acknowledge his popularity publicly on November 7, 1986, at the time of his swearing-in-ceremony. Dr. Farooq Abdullah had said: “Governor Sahib, we should need you very badly. It is, indeed, amazing that such remarkable work could be done by you in a short time through an imbecile and faction-ridden bureaucracy. If today three ballot boxes are kept – one for the National Conference, one for the Congress and one for you, your ballot box would be full while the other two ballot boxes would be empty”.
On Kashmiri Pandits exodus, Jagmohan had written to Rajiv Gandhi on 21st April 1990, “Whatever be the vicissitudes of the Kashmiri Pandits’ history and whatever unkind quirks their fate might have brought to them in the past, these all pale into insignificance in comparison to what is happening to them at present. The grim tragedy is compounded by the equally grim irony that one of the most intelligent subtle, versatile, and proud communities of the country is being virtually reduced to extinction in free India. It is suffering not under the fanatic zeal of mediaeval Sultans like Sikander or under the tyrannical regime of Afghan Governors, but under the supposedly secular rule of leaders like you, V.P. Singh and others who unabashed search for personal and political power is symbolised by calculated disregard of the Kashmiri migrants’ current miserable plight and the terrible future that stares in their eyes. And to fill their cup of pain and anguish, there are bodies like ‘Committee for Initiative on Kashmir’ which are over-anxious and over active to rub salt into their wounds, and to label anyone who wants to stand by them in their hour of distress as communal”.
Who doesn’t know Jagmohan created Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board despite stiff opposition from National Conference, Congress and the erstwhile royal family of Jammu. Rest is history with the most revered cave shrine of North India having widespread Infrastructure like roads, resting places, drinking water, toilets and sanitation facilities, developed in Jammu, Katra and the Bhavan. This has been the most valued Dakhshna to Mata Vaishno Devi and gift to the people of Jammu.
And, now that the grand-old Governor has been bestowed with Padma Vibushan, frustration among the so-called mainstream leaders is understandable. To send a right message to myopic elements, Jammu needs to acknowledge Jagmohan’s contribution towards a cause in Jammu and Kashmir.

BLUNT BUTCHERWho do so-called mainstream leaders think they are fooling?
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