Tension is not a disease at all

Dr. G. D. Kumar

Feeling of inferiority or superiority complex.
* Having ego for everything and always i.e. always trying to justify everything by hook or by crook and frequently loosing temper.
Remedies to Control Tension to Lead a Quality Life
Steps to control / minimize tension are very easy. From the above stated points / narrations, following points appear:
* Modifying one’s life style: While talking to people to start certain activities like going for morning walk / doing exercise / doing meditation, the answer available with anyone is “PAUCITY OF TIME”. For this the answer is to sleep early and get up early in the morning which will make you to have required number of sleeping hours and also to have more time in the morning to be used for said activities.
* For having quality sleep you should eat well before sleeping time. Dinner should not be the only last item before sleep.
* Whenever any problem arises, one should talk to himself and try to find solution, if not available with self consult a friend rather than remain brooding over it for a longer time which will keep on putting strain on nerves.
* In you have committed any mistake, accept it, feel sorry and seek pardon to relieve yourself from unnecessary strain.
* Do meditation as meditation (sit silently, focus on your nose (breath) and think of GOD) is a disease as well as cure for tension.
* Disease: If one starts meditation, initially he will feel it is very difficult, once he keeps on doing he starts liking it and later becomes addicted to it.
* Cure: Meditation makes one feel strong and helps in building and enhancing self confidence
* Meditation also helps one to control anger, ego and taking hasty decision.
* Do not indulge into unnecessary arguments. It does not mean that we should not discuss to find solutions to the problems i.e. we should make healthy discussions.
* Do not keep on pondering over a particular thought for long as it keeps on keeping our nerves tense / keeps them strained. For relieving tension, the thought needs to be changed just as the driver of a vehicle moves steering for reaching destination / saving from the accident.
* For attaining goals we should put in our best efforts rather than keep on thinking over the problem for a longer duration.
* Do not always compare yourself with other people / your friend i.e. avoid unnecessary competition as:
* We know nature has not made all equal as even five fingers of a hand are unequal.
* All have been vested with different qualities and that too in different limits.
Do not always think ‘Uski Sari Meri Sari se Safed Kyon Ha’
* Do not leave all the things to be completed at the last moment.
* Shed the fear of unknown as no proof exists for the same
All of us should bear in mind that root cause of every problem is:
* Weakness / lack of energy which makes anybody prone to diseases, whether minor or major.
* Lack of confidence which makes people to always remain pessimistic.
* Any big disease arises from minor diseases like acidity, diarrhea, constipation, uneasiness etc. These problems mainly arise from impaired digestion.
* Good digestion makes one to gain strength which acts as cushion / shocker for the small problems coming in one’s daily life.
Thus it is evident tension is not at all a disease rather it is the outcome of our:
* Thought process
* Living style, and
* Forgetting our strength
Finally we should remember Shrimad Bhagwat Gita, wherein it is said that “We should only do our best without thinking about the outcome”.
(The author is Dr. G. D. Kumar, Gali Malhotra, Jammu Tawi)

Dr. G. D. Kumareditorial article 1Tension is not a disease at all
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