The Bold Voice of J&K

Adopt decisive strategy to teach Pakistan a lesson: Sham

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sham-lal-sharmaSTATE TIMES NEWS
AKHNOOR: Former Minister and Senior Vice President JKPCC, Sham Lal Sharma said that the Fidayeen attack at Army Base Camp, Uri at the behest of Pakistan is the worst kind of inhuman act and is highly condemnable. He said that the terrorist attack which resulted into sacrifices of our brave soldiers has shook the entire nation and the time has come when government should adopt a clear and decisive strategy to teach Pakistan a lesson.
While addressing monthly meeting of Block Congress Committee here on Saturday, Sham said that Pakistan has been indulging in infiltration and pushing trained terrorists into Indian territory, particularly in Kashmir, with a sole motive of disturbing peace and the people should understand the evil designs of neighbour country. He said that the soldiers who got martyrdom will remain to serve as a source of inspiration and induce a commitment to serve the motherland at any cost.
Sham while appreciating the Surgical Attack conducted by the Indian Army, said that we shouldn’t publicised such army actions nor should take any political mileage out of it. Such attacks should be always kept secret as has been done previously. He also said that we should be united for the nation and support for our brave army.
While paying tributes to the martyrs, Sham expressed concern regarding non-payment of any type of ex-gratia to the families of these martyrs whereas the martyrs of this incident hailing from other states have been suitably compensated by their respective states.
Sham urged upon the BJP-PDP Government, which is expressing only lip sympathy to the martyr’s family, to pay minimum of Rs 25 to 30 lakhs as compensation to the grieved families. He said that the situation at present in the border areas is very tense due to continuous shelling by the Pakistani troops. Due to this, border residents are facing numerous problems. He said that the people living in the border areas are having apprehensions that in case the war between India and Pakistan breaks out, their life is in danger because of the war. The previous Congress-NC Government had planned to allot 5 Marlas plot to them in safer areas so that they have not to migrate every now and then. He also said that the present BJP Government while coming in power had promised them for allotment of such plots but they have failed to fulfill the said assurance.
Sham said that village Gharkhal is located very near to the LoC and the people of this area always feel insecure as and when the firing between India and Pakistan. “There are about 792 families in this village. The previous Congress-NC government had chalked out a plan for rehabilitating these people at two places namely Sanghani and Purkhoo migrant camp,” he said adding that the present BJP-PDP Government should relook this proposal and initiate action immediately so that these people can be rehabilitate at these places keeping in view the safety and security these people.

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