The Bold Voice of J&K

A small family is far better than a large one

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Tara Chand Bhagat

Through the precious space of the columns of your esteemed paper I would like to expressing a few advantages to be a small family which can enjoy more comforts and avenues in any field than that of a large one unable to afford the chances and opportunities of any enjoyment in any field leading to a quality of life. The two kids of a small family’s parents can get better education to be able to rise on higher status of posts than those of the children of a large one who always remain at lower status of posts in the field of either in Govt. services or in private sectors or any other choice of occupation. I do remember those days of my childhood when a Congress Govt. initiated a popular slogan in early sixties.”We two-Ours two” in order to get controlled the rising population rapidly at an alarming increase. Undoubtedly it was an excellent idea to overcoming and exercising a check to make a family planning. Had this policy been implemented in a phased manner thoroughly it would have been proved to be a boon to the progress of the country? Our country would not have crossed over the population of China that used to be at number one being a developed country than that of India, an underdeveloped one even in the 21st century. Secondly the two kids of a small family occupy the higher financial position than those the four or six children of a large one. They can enjoy better health care facilities besides being other facilities of quality life such as good houses to live in, AC Cars to travel for, rich food to take, costly suits to wear. On the other hand the members of a larger family are devoid of such facilities, have to be suffered badly throughout their life-times however they work hard for the achievement of these comforts. For want of good conditions of the large family, all the members have to struggle a lot but cannot get easily favourable style of standard of living and always getting quarreling over trifles and also bear grudges against the Royal life of the kids of small families. Thirdly the two kids of each small families play a very positive and constructive role contributing towards the progress of the country.I won’t hesitate to quoting an example of one of my close friends namley Y.P. Bhagat whose two kids are an IAS officers. He too has retd. as a Chief Secretary of the Haryana Govt. Fourthly it is the need of the hour to be a small family because it is the small family that can only decrease the demographic structure of this vast country like India. If we all the young citizens irrespective of any caste adopt the principles of the policy of having a small family would definitely be able to get a second position in respect of growing Indian population in near future. Fifthly the land area under cultivation is decreasing in terms of our increasing the population of the country and also it would be difficult to face this greater problem to feeding such an increasing population of this populous country, as already other natural resources such as water, crude oil, sources of nature gas of our country are going to be depleted. And it would be very difficult to overcome the needs and requirements of increasing population. So it is the dire need to adopt the norms of a small family so as to get sufficient resources to be used by its population in the years to come. Sixthly our vast country will progress by leaps and bounds if it believes in the principles of a small family. Our country would not starve with hunger but will have better opportunities of employments and jobs for leading a good prosperous lives in the years to come. Since the members of small family would use judiciously as much as less resources as compared to be used by the six to eight members of large family. The most significant advantage of a small family is that it breaks the boundaries of social barriers and goes on contributing a lot building its social relationship with other people developing inspirational spirit of encourages the systems of small family norms. So the two-kids small family carries out an innovative idea for the growth all-round development and progress of the country, whereas the six to eight kids of large family can always play a destructive role raising obstacles and hurdles in the way of progress and its developmental struggleful efforts are damped and thus become slow and create the complex problems of unemployment to be faced by any govt whichsoever comes to power. Overcoming the population explosion of our country is the only way of adopting a small family rather than a large one which is quite unsuitable in this modern era of technology that has already shrunken its space of employment and jobs. The Indian population is a blend of different communities including Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs and others are having an idea of surpassing their own population over the other to be gaining their political goals which would prove to be very detrimental against the spirit of ‘Nationalism’. However they could be able to gaining their political purposes of vote bank politics if they think about the welfare of their electorates and voters from the core of their heart.S uch an idea of vote-bank politics must be discouraged. Besides, Illiteracy, poverty, backwardness and less education are the other chief factors responsible for being large families. Highly educated persons such as Doctors, IAS officers, the rich classes of Scientists and Pilots can never think of principles of large families. They have very lofty thoughts about small families. They too are the classic examples for building a nation strong and always wish for progressing country’s nature. They are in fact, the greatest patriots of the country ever believing in the norms of a small family. Next, we the Indians must learn a lesson from all the smaller European countries than the UP state do have a small family system resulting into lesser members in respect of population explosion resulting into lesser population than that of the population of UP state. Moreover, all the European countries are developed ones i.e. have not to be dependent upon other countries for imports. They are completely independent upon their own resources. Right from centuries old they have adopted the norms of small families and that is why they could be able to produce great scientists like Issaic Newton and many others, Williams Shakespeare, the greatest writer ever to be born, got unmatchable prominence in the international history. Really they believe in the policy of “Country First then All” Theirs is a policy of “Nationalism.” They contribute building their countries strong. They prefer to be independent than to be slave. Last but not least given the population explosion in our country it is very imperative to adopt the principles and norms of a small family rather than a large one for the progress of our developing country that stands at number one in terms of population.

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