The Bold Voice of J&K

Jammu under attack, opposition should stop its wrong-footed slogans

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Jammu is under attack. It should be clear to all stakeholders in the region that recent series of terror attacks are not on the army alone, these are designed to disrupt hard-earned peace of the region , and that impacts everyone .Newer dimensions have surfaced with a discourse of terror returning to Jammu region, superseding its image of a region of peace. Jammu, by any calculus, anchors peace and stability for the whole of Jammu and Kashmir, today when it is Union Territory , and earlier when it was part of the special status state prior to August 5, 2019 when Article 370 became null and void .


Army chief General Upendra Dwivedi visited Jammu region twice since he took over on July 1. This shows how serious is the army about these terror attacks and their impact on the region and its residents. The terror attacks, in whatever form they take place, have a tendency to resonate across the country, as the soldiers belong to the whole nation. In the recent weeks, nine soldiers, including Captain , were lost within a span of a week in Kathua and Doda districts . They were from Uttarakhand, and few others states. When body bags of the brave soldiers, who sacrifice their lives in line of duty in Jammu and Kashmir, are taken to homes, the whole nation feels the pain . Their families are stoic and gradually become icons of bravery, bearing the loss of their sons with unprecedented fortitude .
Pakistan has made Jammu region as its latest theatre of proxy war of a different kind with purpose. It was waiting for the opportunity to strike. It got the opportunity when the troops were moved out of Jammu region to border with China in Ladakh, and also to meet other exigencies. It was natural that with the movement of the troops anti-counter terrorism grid would leave some gaps open. Pakistan has filled these gaps with its terrorists, who are highly trained and motivated. They have been able to attack with precision, promoting the Indian army to induct more troops and special forces to take on this brand of terrorists.
It is certain that soldiers will defeat Pakistan’s designs and terrorists will be sent to graves they deserve, but there is another issue about the political leadership of the region. It is a fact that terror attacks have taken place, these cannot be denied. But some political groups, Congress at the forefront, is staging demonstrations and challenging the narrative of zero-tolerance toward terrorism, the policy enunciated by the Modi Government for the past decade. The grand old party should understand that terrorism is neither an overnight phenomenon nor can it be eliminated overnight. The party leaders, who have been staging demonstrations against the terror attacks and attacking the government, are doing disservice to the cause of the Indian nationalism and its fight against Pakistan- exported terrorism . Condemning terrorism is a matter of principle and manifestation of anger over such incidents , chastising the government over such incidents is incomprehensible. It is time to stand united in fight against terrorism and there should be no party colour in this.
The parties like Congress, National Conference, PDP and other groups challenging the government over its policy against terrorism , should reflect on two aspects to which history bears a testimony . There were far more dangerous attacks when they were in power. The list is unending, starting from the selective killings to massacres in almost all parts of Jammu and Kashmir . The period beginning 1989 to 2018 is a saga of nightmare that J&K underwent. It is because of that period and its legacy that Pakistan has been able to resume its proxy war in a deadly manner in Jammu. They have a mirror to look into before making comments that go against the national interest.
The Opposition is deliberately overplaying the card of terror attacks and the loss of lives of soldiers in its quest to settle scores with the Modi government, obliging the inimical forces which want such sloganeering that emboldens terrorists and raise questions about the striking capacity of the security forces. This is a dangerous game. If someone played this game with them when they were at helm of affairs, it doesn’t mean that they should repeat the same mistake.
For them, if they are really interested in knowing, they should look at the transformation of J&K from the times they were ruling and now. Jammu terror attacks would be avenged. The Indian Army and J&K police are capable of doing so , but what has been gained in the Union Territory should not be overlooked . Kashmir is witnessing peace after decades and ignoring that too is living in a denial mode.
The Opposition should come out of its frozen mindset and recognize the reality as it exists across Jammu and Kashmir. Its selective approach could be self-defeating.

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