The Bold Voice of J&K

Decreasing physical exertion, increasing diseases

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Vijay Garg

Health and illness in a country are not necessarily related only to the facilities for treatment and the number of hospitals and doctors available in comparison to the population. People suffer from many diseases because their daily routine is not according to the health related rules and people adopt such a daily routine, due to which their chances of falling sick increases manifold. There have been many studies and surveys which show that with the increase in wealth in our country, people are changing their daily routine andHave become more careless about health. One such study has recently been published in the journal ‘The Lancet Global Health’. It has been claimed that Indians are far behind the citizens of many other countries in terms of physical activity. The objective of this study, conducted in 2019 in 197 countries of the world between 2000 and 2022, was to measure the share and level of physical activity in the daily routine of adult citizens of different countries. The study assessed 507 surveys from 163 out of 197 countries., which represent 93 percent of the total world population. Of these, 167 surveys are from before 2010, 268 surveys are from 2010 to 9 and 72 surveys are from 2020 and onwards. It has been said in the report that although there has been a decline in the physical activity of common adults all over the world, the figures in the high-income countries of Asia Pacific region are disturbing. India ranks second in the list of countries where there are clear signs of increasing laziness among adults. According to reports todayAbout twenty-five years ago, twenty-two percent of Indian adults were considered inactive in terms of physical activity. But it increased to 34 percent in 2010 and to about 50 percent in 2022. It can be said that in the post-Covid pandemic, the physical activity of half of the adults in India has almost come to a standstill. It is expected to reach 60 percent by 2030. Latest figures show that 42 percent of men in our country are physically inactive, while in the case of women it is said to be 57 percent. This is probably because the home. The role of women in work is continuously shrinking. Here physical activity means brisk walking, vigorous activity and energy-burning exercises. However, at the global level the figure of inactivity among adults was 26.4 percent in 2010, which has now increased to 31.3 percent. It can be said that the period of COVID pandemic may have played a major role in this inactivity. During the COVID pandemic, the trend of getting all the work done from home through the internet was established, which later turned into a tradition. Due to this, people go out of the house lessDone. Even with the development of ‘work from home’ i.e. ‘work from home’ culture, the necessity of going to office has been drastically reduced. This has also increased the physical inactivity of adults. Concern is being raised about the lack of physical activity because the effect of not exercising, running or walking, is that fat starts increasing on the body and many organs get damaged due to heavy fat and inactive lifestyle. They get buried under the burden of birth. In these conditions the human digestive system becomes weak or sick., If the energy obtained from food is not expended, it gets deposited in the body and gets stored in the form of extra flesh. This increases obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and many problems of the digestive system. These diseases are recognized as lifestyle diseases, which are emerging as a major health crisis for the world. The World Health Organization had stated in a large study in 2017 that the inactive routine of people is behind 61 percent of non-infectious deaths in India. The daily physical routine of 19 lakh people of the world isIn this report presented after studying the activity, the World Health Organization had estimated that at present the physical activity of about 140 crore people in the world is very low, but at that time it was told in this report that 24.7 percent of India’s men and 43.3 percent of its women Percentage of women do not have much confidence in moving their hands and legs. This figure has now increased. But neighboring country China has launched ‘Healthy China 2030’ campaign. Similarly, Australia has set a target of making 15 percent of its citizens active in exercise by 2030. 203 in BritainA target has been set to connect five lakh new people with exercise by 2019, while a campaign has been launched to connect one thousand cities in America with ‘free fitness’. The important thing is that this laziness is embedded in our entire lifestyle and work culture. And so this is a warning. Therefore, understanding the seriousness of such studies, Indians need to immediately become alert about changes in their daily routine. The most important aspect of this warning is related to physical exertion, which is being largely ignored in Indian life.There are also indications of the changing lifestyle of women and not just children. The number of cars is continuously increasing and now people have started using cars even for small tasks. Not only this, thanks to e-commerce the market itself has now reached people’s homes. In such a situation, maximum exercise would be for the eyes and fingers. Otherwise people remain stuck in front of the TV without moving their hands and legs. , There is no pressure to move anywhere, no need. It is true that due to medical science the average human life has increased., but people have started suffering from such diseases, which are called lifestyle diseases. Is. In the study ‘Global Burden of Disease’ published in ‘Lancet’ in 2017, it was said that people of rich countries have started understanding how important health is, hence they have started giving importance to physical labour, but in countries like India, This thing is not being understood. Therefore, people in poor and developing countries remain ill for more days than in rich countries.
(The writer is Retired Principal and educational columnist)

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