The Bold Voice of J&K

Childhood becomes Silent

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Dear editor,
In many dimensions of the social environment, the family circle is considered to be the smallest unit, the thread of whose fabric binds all the members of the family in some way or the other. Once upon a time, all the members of the family used to fulfill their responsibilities very well and they remained associated with the aura of spontaneous discipline. All the members of the joint family used to shake each other in harmony and spread cordial waves, due to which peace and tranquility was maintained in the family.
The Ganges of mutual harmony and understanding used to flow in the relationships between uncle-aunt, brother-sister, husband-wife etc. In my childhood, when I made excuses for not going to school early in the morning, my mother and aunt used to coax and force me to go to school. The changing times today have made many situations fast-paced. Even though on average human daily routine is normal in rural areas today, but in urban living, especially nuclear families are facing many difficulties. Availability of limited resources in the family and attention towards material needs. This desperate desire has created an ideological uproar in the family courtyard. The severe lack of tolerance has also created tension and discord in the family over small matters. Such a situation is now commonly seen in almost every home, where especially teenagers sit in silence during angry arguments or fights with their parents.
At that time their mental impulses become very sensitive and adversely affect their thinking system. In this situation they have to go through a period of emotional and cognitive weakness. Compulsion occurs and this condition leaves a long-term impact on their brain. The natural talent of dynamism of the childish mind in him seems to be going towards deviation. The echoes of confrontational or angry parents’ shouting have less impact on children’s ears, but more on their minds. A line of fear is drawn in their mind and they start imagining that their parents might leave them and go somewhere else. Some such incidents also happen. Psychologists who study the child mind say that in this situation children become negativity. They become victims and their education gets affected.
Unhealthy arguments between parents in front of children jeopardize their sense of security, due to which the child’s development gets hampered due to not getting natural behavior skills. Parents who are busy fighting among themselves do not realize that their behavior leads to increased guilt and lack of self-confidence in their children. In the above circumstances, children also learn the aggressiveness of their parents, which gradually leads to hurting their self-esteem. While making him happy, it makes him short-tempered.
Due to going through this condition frequently, when children become uncomfortable and unusual with their current reality, they become victims of a miserable state and become self-depreciating and introverted. When these children grow up, due to the unfavorable environment at home, they seek shelter from their peers and face various kinds of problems. They become carriers of bad tendencies.
At home, in situations arising out of disputes between the family or parents, children’s playfulness, joy and child-friendly activities start moving into the background. Since the home and courtyard is the primary school of children, where they acquire good and bad habits, most of the children are deprived of other good habits adopted by the society due to the wrong actions of their parents. Due to being freed from the natural responsibility of love, affection and proper care, many children in the present times. I start looking for my future in mobile. Along with their sleep, studies and appetite are also affected in some way or the other. The question is how to handle the future of the teenager moving towards this adverse direction and condition. The main responsibility for this lies with the parents of the children. If the parents do not control their ego and anger and lead a normal married life, then no power in the world will be able to save this generation.
The ill effects of the disintegrating school of family are the consequences of life. This is being seen in the area, for whose protection it is mainly the parents who need to come forward and put aside mutual differences and bitterness. They should keep in mind that their conduct is pushing the future of the children in their backyard into darkness.
Vijay Garg

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