The Bold Voice of J&K

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Dear editor,
Often people ask themselves various questions as to why their life is like this or that. Some people wonder who they are, what is their place in this world. Behavioral psychologists say with solid evidence that seventy-two percent of the people in this world think in this way. We get answers to these questions in books. A book is a safe filled with incalculable wealth. Whoever acquires this wealth after reading this becomes the richest person. Priceless when curiosity is satisfied, Money means satisfaction. It has also been said that ‘When satisfaction comes, all wealth is like a pivot.’
The book not only works a miracle, it gently creates a magical happiness in the reader that he comes out of sadness and depression and starts flowing in the feeling of a complete humanity. So reading a book is just like chatting with a close friend. Knowledge of a good and useful book gives a person the means to reach new limits. When a person sings along with reading a book, he feels a wonderful energy and struggles with his limitations. He develops skills to overcome his physical and mental limitations. After this, the person gains a new confidence and abilities to achieve new levels.
In this sense, apart from happiness and satisfaction, the book also gives strength to courage for struggle. Mahatma Gandhi experienced a unique transformation within himself after reading John Ruskin’s ‘Unto the Last’, which he adapted as ‘Sarvodaya’ and chose to use as a teaching tool. like this leo Gandhiji was greatly influenced by Tolstoy’s book ‘The Kingdom of God is Within You’ and he made non-violence a weapon of protest to protect humanity. He also named the ashram established as a center of struggle in South Africa as Tolstoy Ashram. Nowadays some schools are also making reading a compulsory activity and are including the books of Akbar-Birbal and Tenali Ram in the summer vacation study of the students. The reason is that these books easily provide simple solutions to small and big problems of life. Can’t get it. Along with this, we also get a glimpse of the atmosphere and conduct of contemporary India. Books play an important role in nurturing the moral values of humans. Books written by saints and famous people teach us about the right moral values to become a good person. If mythological works like ‘Panchantra’ and ‘Hitopadesh’ teach moral values of life, then books like ‘Simhasan Battisi’ and ‘Chandrakanta Santati’ also show us many unseen aspects of life. Similarly ‘Harry Potter’ and Books like ‘Cinderella’ show us dreams about a beautiful world away from the bitter realities of life. Books are the real treasure of childhood for every child. It also teaches us to differentiate between good and evil. A person can have many types of hobbies. Some of them are people fond of books who never feel lonely and experience having a better friend in their life. The author of the book puts his lifelong journey and his knowledge into words and gives it the form of a book. many such writers Many types of thoughts are in front of us in the form of a book, after reading which a stream of positive and peaceful thoughts starts flowing in the human mind. The role of books in experiencing things deeply is not hidden from anyone.
In a way, the book also works as a medicine, which shows the way out of every small and big dilemma of life in a moment. The author writes the words written in books in his own style, which is read or heard in the form of a poem, article, poetry or story, but the meaning of the words remains the same.
However, it depends on the style of a writer and how he presents his views to the people. Therefore, it is important that the youth be motivated to read books, through which youth or people of other groups can come to know each other’s thoughts. Perhaps this is the reason why the stories written by the great storyteller and story emperor Prem Chand are still widely read all over the world. Every person wants to see the reflection of his feelings somewhere. By reading the social environment in every story of O. Henry, the reader feels that the story is his own. Looks like.
That is why books are the only precious thing in our life which makes us face to face with ourselves. The book fills a voice in our mind without speaking. Through this we can attain true knowledge, which has no limits. The meaning of words works to give a direction to our life or rather, books have the ability to change a person’s life. There are many such books which reveal many layers of life. Works as soap for the mind.
Vijay Garg

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