The Bold Voice of J&K

Amarnathji Yatra symbolizes cultural diversity and unity

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Shri Omkar Dattatray

Shri Amarnathji Yatra dates back to thousand years and it is a spiritual pilgrimage coupled with cultural diversity and reflects the rich and harmonious communal harmony and religious tolerance for which Kashmir is renowned world over. This religiously, spiritually and culturally diversified Amarnath Ji Yatra has got much significance not only in Hinduism, but it symbolizes the pristine doctrine and principle of unity in diversity which is the cardinal principle of India and Hinduism which eulogizes the principle and practice of Vasudav Kutumbakam which implies that whole world is one single family. Amarnath Ji Yatra attracts devotees and tourists from India and abroad and Kashmir during this important Yatra resembles like a mini-India as people from all states of the country visit Kashmir to pay obeisance to Lord Shanker at the Amaranths cave which is situated at the height of about 13000 feet in south Kashmir Himalayas.
This spiritual journey to holy cave is the symbol of faith and unity and it is the shining example of pluralism, secularism and inter-faith harmony and goodwill.
The Yatra depicts, reflects and symbolizes Kashmiri yet which is mutual brotherhood and communal harmony. The people of Kashmir who’s majority is Muslims wait eagerly and anxiously for this annual cave pilgrimage and they take active part in this yatra and contribute to its success to a large extant.
It is believed that an old Kashmiri shepherd in the ancient time saw the holy Amarnath Ji cave and it is also said that he had also a glimpse of Shanker Parvati .It was this shepherd whose surname was Mullick spread the message of this holy cave in the society and a part of the yearly donations still goes to the Mullick family. This in itself is very important that a Muslim has discovered holy cave of Shri Amarnath ji and there is nothing more shining than this that the Amarnath Pilgrimage was discovered by a Muslim and it points to the fact that this yatra is the living and shining example of communal harmony ,unity in diversity and above all Kashmiriyat of which all Kashmir’s boast without any religious distinction. This spiritual and religious sojourn is famous world over and the people not only from India but from abroad visit this holy cave, pay obeisance ,propitiate God and seek blessings for the world peace, welfare and prosperity.
This holy pilgrimage is a wonderful sight to see and it mesmerizes not only the devotees but all those who in any way are connected with the yatra.
The pouni walas, horse owners, Taxi operators ,goods sellers ,labors neigh all the people read Kashmiris are contributing to the success of the arduous and their help to pilgrims and their contribution to the success of the Amarnath Ji Yatra cannot be denied and exaggerated. The Kashmir and Kashmiris without any religious distinction welcome the annual yatra and embrace the yatris with open arms and in this lies the beauty of Kashmiri culture. Kashmiri Muslims take active part in the Yatra and they are a part and parcel of this holy pilgrimage and it will not be an exaggeration to say that the success of this spiritual, religious and cultural sojourn is not possible without the active role and cooperation of Kashmiri Muslims.
The Yatra should be held in a peaceful manner and the Kashmiris experience joy and pleasure in the yatra besides the pilgrims from in and out of India. Kashmir and Kashmiris are known for warmth and hospitality and the Amarnath Ji Yatris should get good impression of communal harmony as they are the brand ambassadors of peace, unity in diversity and communal harmony and inter-faith unity. The Amarnath Ji yatris will propagate the Kashmiriyat not only in India but abroad as well. Kashmiri Muslims are associated with this spiritual and cultural sojourn from ancient times and they take pride in being involved in the yatra.
Amarnath yatra is a part and parcel of our rich culture and it fructifies and flourishes in this land of Rishis and Sufi saints and the people of Kashmir whole-heartedly welcome Amarnath Ji yatra from the core of their heart and they have enough faith in inter-faith harmony and mutual brotherhood and Amarnath Ji Yatra is the best example of Kashmiriyat.
The pilgrims, devotees and tourists are much impressed with the warmth and hospitality and good nature of Kashmiris and they take this everlasting impression to India and abroad and in this hospitality and communal harmony lies the beauty and strength of Kashmiri culture.
It is the moral and social duty and responsibility of Kashmiris to provide a helping hand to Yatris and make their journey to the sacred cave easy and enjoyable so that they will convey the goodwill of the Kashmiris to India and outside world and in this lies the good of the yatris and Kashmiris. Amarnath Ji yatra is the example of our culture and hospitality and the Kashmiris enrich this yatra through their active involvement ,participation and support. The deputy commissioner of Ramban district along with a host of officers and dignitaries and people from religious ,social and cultural arena welcomed the first batch of the yatra and the DC and other officers enquired about the civic necessities for the yatra and also enquired about the arrangement of Langers in the district.
The Jammu and Kashmir UT government has made all arrangements for the yatra including the safety and security of yatris. DC Anantnag and all concerned district officers have made all arrangements for the smooth ,hassle free and safe yatra.
Lt Governor Manoj Shina who is also the chairman of Shri Amarnath Shrine Board lauded the significant contribution of the people of Jammu and Kashmir in the smooth and successful conduct of the annual holy yatra and exuded confidence that this year’s Amarnath Yatra will pass on successfully with the active participation and involvement of the people of Jammu and Kashmir especially the Kashmiris. LG sought the support of the locals in making the yatra a total success.
But it is pertinent to mention that the Kashmiri Muslims voluntarily welcome, support and provide all help to the yatris as they think it their duty towards Kashmirtiyat. To conclude we can say that the Amarnath Ji Yatra is the shining example and symbol of cultural diversity and composite culture and inter-faith harmony. Let us strive to make this holy yatra a success.
May Bole Nath bestow peace ,welfare and prosperity to Jammu and Kashmir and sanity may prevail upon the people.
(The Author is a columnist , social and KP Activist)

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