The Bold Voice of J&K

Curbing the menace of Drugs’-Addiction-an alarming challenge

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Since immorial times India has been a country of many great Saints,Gurus, Rishies, faqirs,Sanayasies,Lords and Avtars.The great names of great Saints,Gurus,Sanyasies and Lords are worth mentioning.They are Lord Rama,Lord Krishna,Adi-guru Shankracharya,Lord Gautama Buddha,Sant Kabir,Guru Ravi Dass,Guru Nanak Dev,Baba Farid and several others who have held the highest esteemed positions in terms of getting spirituality centuries ago in the ancient past. All these spiritual personalities have advocated the high principles leading to pure life. They through their best preachings advised the then people of the society not to be involved into any kind of intoxicating drugs.The then technology was far advanced than this modern one.The then Pushp Vimans so-called Udankhotallas were more sophisticated than the aeroplanes of these times.
Undoubtedly today’s youths have touched each and every sphere of modern technology be it computers,be it laptops, be it using of internet services, be it driving of more sophisticated cars, be it use of very very sophisticated weapons going to be used in ongoing wars.Despite so much advancement in technology to be used towards progressive as well as positive side.
But unfortunately it is a very sorry state of affairs that India has been languishing with so many social evils like those of Terrorism,Naxalism, Drugs and Narco-terrorism for the last over fifty years.Most of the bad elements are amongst from our own citizens who have got involved into this labyrinth in connaivance with the involvement of some traitors who are hell-vent disturbing the peace amongst the innocent people and the govt with its full might has been fighting against curbing the menace of terrorism,naxalism,drugs and narco-terrorism.The growing menace of Drug Terrorism/drug abuse and other negative influences is going to be spread by the foreign terrorists across the Pakistan borders.The only solution to be bridled up this menace of Drug terrorism is to be engaged the unemployed youths with whole time jobs so that they could not be able to get any time to be involved into such lust and greed of money to be earned by illegal easy ways by way of their involvement into the spoiling of their careers.
Through the columns of your esteemed paper I would like to share my views highlighting harmful ill-effects upon the health of all aged group of people with the use of all sorts of intoxicants such as cigarettes,chewing of tobacco,tobacco to be mixed with chuna,injections,pills,tablets.Excessive use of lcohols,intoxicating capsules,injections etc are mostly prone to serious deadly diseases.
Despite being proved dangerous even then it has become a fashion among the youths,youngsters in this so-called modern society. This social evil is spreading like wild fire among the so-called modern society.This very social evil is also getting extremely out of control as the involvement of more and more youths,youngsters with the addiction of drugs as being increased day by day.
With the result the youths and youngsters whose moral duty is to be away from such menace considering the use of such drugs helping them to be away from all sorts of worries, tensions because of being unemployed notwithstanding the fact that they have got degrees,professional degrees,master degrees.It is a matter of grave and serious concern for us to be thought over.Not only the youths and youngsters of this country have been over-powered but also this menace has raised its ugly head all over the world.
Simultaneously along the menace of terrorism,menace of drugs is too increasingly being spread across the globe has become a headache of every affected country to uproot its elimination.However,where this menace is more prevalent in our JK UT,the Govt. have established anti-drug centres for its elimination.Despite its drive against drug trafficking and substance abuse,more and more narco smugglers are being nabbed with contraband intoxicants of drugs from their possessions being performed naka duties routinely at certain places by police personnels.
To eradicate the menace of drugs from the society and take stringent action against Drug peddlers who indulge in illegal trade of smuggling of Poppy Straw(Bhukki) like narcotics.During frisking of the narco smugglers contraband substances like Heroin and chitta are recovered from their possessions and after being interrogated the smugglers confess that they have got links with foreign agents who are hell-bent upon to destabilize peace and law and order in general all over the country especially the JK UT where terrorism and drugs smuggling are going on parallel lines which have to be dealt with an iron hand by the Armed forces.
With the abrogation of Article 370 and 35-A the inflow of the people of other states of India into JK UT has increased be it the labour class,and other businessmen who have the habit of addiction of drugs,the people of Jammu have got addicted with the menace of chewing tobacco.It is a sorry State of Affairs that before the inflow of outsiders there was not at all such menace amongst the youths,youngsters and other people.Now,even women are involved in addiction of drugs as well as smuggling of narcotic substances,drug abuse,and other intoxicating capsules.The menace of drugs is also spreading alarmingly among our local people with the connivance of outsiders as they consider Jammu as safe haven to conduct such business smoothly and they do have good links and relationships with the policemen who are to nab them.This chains of links needs to be broken with an iron hand or else it would become uncontrollable to be stopped. Despite being installed various nakas at various check-points in the form of drive against drug-trafficking and substance abuse,many smugglers who indulge in illegal smuggling throughout the country especially in JK UT are being nabbed daily and contraband substance like Heroin(Chitta),Charas,Poppy Straw, Bottles of codeine phosphate,SPM-PRX(Sapsmo Proxyvon Capsules are recovered form their possessions).
Through the message of this article all the NGOs, Civil Society, Teachers and Police Officers ,Parents are also hereby called upon owning their responsibilities collectively initiating drive against elimination of drug abuse, drug addiction into which youths and youngsters have been got involved spoiling their health hazards,time,money and career.
Further, it is suggested to the worthy Administration that on the eve of 31 st May -Anti-Tobacco Day be declared as closure of all wine-shops,Tobacco-chewing outlets and non-availability of cigarettes from the shops.

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