The Bold Voice of J&K

Love all creations of the Supreme Creator

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When a game of volley-ball match is begun to be played; its first service is started with a love-ball. Whereas when the game of one’s life is there to be played; it is to be started with love all creations but hate none. Really, what is the purpose of one’s life in this vast Universe? I would like to quote a living example of ‘Trees’. What a great service ‘The Trees’ do to the humanity and other living beings! The trees never discriminate anyone enjoying its cool shadows whosoever sit under them be it humans or animals or birds. The trees are said to be safe houses for the birds spending nights on perching them. The animals also live on their leaves for sustaining their life. They provide with variety of fruits to all. The trees never enjoy their own fruits but give others to be enjoyed. Moreover, the trees never mind with the rude behaviour to be done by the humans hitting with stones to bring down their sweet fruits to be taken for. The trees render great service to the mankind, even then we the greed humans are not protecting them with watering rather we are cutting them mercilessly on the name of development such as constructing roads highways establishing industries and other developmental projects. Never cut them but grow more plants. ‘The Trees’ are said to be not only the reserviors of oxygen for all living beings but also the great lovers of the environment for making it cool, green, and also responsible for adequate rainfall during the period of every season whether it is summer, or winter or spring or the most advantageous season which is popularly known as Rainy Season’ in which One hundred and one crops are grown or produced for the sustenance of life of every living beings. Such is the constructive and positive role to be played by the trees by emitting oxygen and taking carbon-dioxide.
All the winged world plays a vital role helping growing plants on high hills or mountains carrying seeds from one place to another.
Human life starts into seconds getting go on converting into year after year and ends with getting nothing, remaining throughout unaware towards loving the Supreme power;To know the Supreme Power is to love all ‘HIS’ creations.Love every soul, all souls, irrespective of Caste, creed, colour, region or religion,rich or poor, high or low.Love water,air,Mother Earth,Sun, Moon Stars, trees. Then and only then one can get peace of mind.Peace of mind cannot be had amassing lots of wealth,constructing comfortable houses to live in, getling costly metals like gold,jewels,gems,big landed property-one leaves behind here all these wordly possessions after one’s death.Real happiness and peace of mind can only be had doing the service to others. So never kill any kind of living being rather, as far possible as extend love to all creations and hate none.
Since Almighty God has created all creations giving them equal rights to live on this blue planet popularly known as ‘Mother Earth’. Killing any kind of living being lopsides the balance and eco-system of the natural environment.We as humans must extend our full cooperation for protection and their safety.Love an elephant;love an ant;Love a lion; love a rabbit, Love a cuckoo of black colour with red beak sings a sweet song pleasing our mind; Love a deer, muskdeer,a jackal.a porcupine,a peacock ,Sheep,goat, even stray dogs,love a camel also,why?Because children of the city don’t have little chance to see it physically; it is very difficult to name innumberable species of wild animals which can be seen in the discovery channel on T.V. where the lovers of wild animals try to exploring their presence in the Universe.The Universe is very vast even to be explored by these scientists. Various species of parrots – such as red,yellow,white,blue and green are found all over the world but difficult to see them physically oftenly seen on the Discovery Channel.
Vultures are the most beautiful big birds whose duties are similar to those employees of the Municipal Corporations. Virtually these big birds are called as scavangers who eat meat of Corpse (dead bodies of animals) thus cleansing the environment.Thus they keep the environment pollution free by scavanging the dead bodies of the animals.Such is the system of nature. As otherwise we the humans leaving no stone unturned polluting the environment,be it air pollution,or water pollution or plastic ware pollution. All these kinds of pollutions are disturbing the pure ecosystem of the environment.Undoubtedly a few govts, are taking effective steps for decreasing the ever-grown problem of global warming and climate change being experienced all over the countries across the globe causing unseasonal,unprecedented rains which are responsible for widespread destruction,devastation and soil erosion of fertile land which is utilized for producing different agricultural crops to meet the demands feeding Indian population of 140 crores .I would not hesitate to mention here that the killing of innocent blue world that plays a very positive and constructive role maintaining as well as sustaining the ecosystem of the environment. As otherwise we the humans are killing them like anything mercilessly for our tongue’s tasteful food.The lacs of innocent living beings are trapped by throwing powerful nets by the fishermen into the places where these are found in abundance in the seas for running large scale trading with the countries that are oftenly habitual taking meat of variety of fishes.Instead there are number of nutritious foods such as leafy vegetables,various kinds of dals for proteins,besides milk products like cheese,curd,ghee and milk itself staying fit to be healthy and well-built.
We the humans always have been observing the heavenly celestial bodies like the Sun, the moon, the Stars, the Mother Earth moving at the right time, not late even by a Second in its movement,have learnt a lot from them to be very punctual in their services.So,we all are to be grateful to them to their ever lasting power of spirituality which continue to be showering kindness over all living beings in this vast and wonderful universe.With the forceful wordings of the school prayer that used to be sung by us 65 years ago,I want to close-up my article with the concluding lines of the great writer whose name is not yet known to me, has written very nicely:
Ey Maalik Tere Bande Hum,
Nekipar Challan, Badi Se Talein Taake Hanstay Hue Niklein Dum,
Ha Handhera Ghana Shah Raha,Tera Insaan Ghabra Raha,
Bo Burahi karein, Hum Bhalai Karein, Je Badley Ge Nahi Kaamna.

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