The Bold Voice of J&K

J&K Waqf Board launches anti-Drug Abuse Campaign across J&K

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JAMMU: Under the leadership of Chairperson J&K Waqf Board and Minister of State Dr Syed Darakhshan Andrabi, J&K Waqf Board on Friday launched an Anti-Drug Abuse Programme from Khanqahs & Jamia Masajid administered by J&K Waqf Board throughout J&K.
All Khateebs dedicated some time to convey a strong message urging the people stand up to this huge challenge and launch all out war against Drug Abuse.
The details about extent of abuse, causes and consequences of the menace for the individual, family and society at large were highlighted by the Ulema and Doctors across the Mosques during Friday congregations. The coordinated efforts of J&K Waqf Board & Civil Society Forum Kashmir are likely to intensify as under the leadership of Dr Andrabi, the two organisations have resolved to join hands andd put up a united front against the enormous challenge posed by Drug menace in J&K.
A sustained campaign has been envisaged and the two organisations have decided to pool in the resources and work out a long term strategy in this direction.
Waqf Board Chairperson has thanked the Civil Society Forum for extending their support to this noble cause and she has appealed to all social and religious leaders to join hands so that an impressive fight to curb this menace from the society which was destroying the future of the youth.
“Narco conspiracy from our enemies to destroy our society needs a prioritised sustainable campain so that we are able to eradicate drugs as we have succeeded in eradicating the gun from our society”, said Dr Andrabi.

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