The Bold Voice of J&K

Fostering Rural Handicrafts in J&K

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Dr. Banarsi Lal & Yougal Kishore Sharma

Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir has a rich history in the handicrafts sector. This sector has been an integral part of the culture of J&K.J&K has rich tradition of rural crafts from generations. This sector is helpful to raise the economy of J&K. J&K is known for the traditional handicrafts, embroidery, wood carving, paintings, shawls etc. The region’s cultural heritage is maintained through these crafts. This sector is helpful to provide the avenues of income and employment among the artisans of J&K. Handicrafts are traditionally passed on from one generation to another generation. In J&K particular handicrafts are produced in specific areas and thus providing income and employment opportunities to the local communities. The handicarfts sector is labour intensive thus create many employment opportunities of local community and thus able to raise the socio-economic status of the people attached to this sector. This sector is totally practical and the products are crafted with hands using simple local tools. This sector from J&K has gained accolades from across the globe for the innovative designs, high quality and versatility of local handicrafts. Handicrafts have been significant contributor to the economy of Union Territory of J&K. J&K brought significant progress in the handicraft sector over a period of time. The craft persons brought innovative changes in the different handcrafted products and there is a great demand of these crafts in the market within and outside the country.
Union Territory of J&K can be considered as the hub of handicrafts. These handicrafts can reach to the users across the globe. Recently this sector has gained the boost leading to several new changes. JKRLM, KVKs, NABARD and other concerned organizations have taken innovative steps to promote this sector. They provide technical skills along with the financial assistance to the artisans. Many areas wise handicrafts development centres have been established which are helpful in the production and market the crafted products. Many artisans now use the online mode to sale their products. It helped to give a boost to this sector. The and use of new technologies helped to revive and promote this sector. This sector has the potential to uplift the economic status of the people. A multifaceted approach needs to be followed covering availability of raw material, trainings, developing infrastructure, establishing credit links, providing marketing facilities etc. to the artisans. The capacity building needs to fostered and the master artisans should be utilized to train the new generations of artisans. New markets need to searched and the artisans’ products need to be exhibited in different programmes such as Kisan Melas, distt. level events, national level events etc. organized by the concerned organizations. Handmade crafted material should be promoted to develop the authenticity of the products as compared to the machine made products. It will help to exhibit the regions diverse cultural heritage at the national and international level. Geographical Indication (GI) certification of different products will acknowledge the unique identity of the particular geographical regions. This initiative improves the sale and import of the handicrafts. The branding and labeling of the products helps to develop the consumer confidence. J&K traditional handicrafts has the potential to be marketed across the globe. Proper mechanism is needed to link the artisans with the buyers. Handcrafts material are sustainable and eco-friendly. They promote the Vocal for Local slogan of the Indian govt.
The local grass handicrafts made by rural women of Reasi distt. is appreciable as they have revived the lost heritage. They are making different types products such as Chabadi, Binna, pen stand, laundry bags, dry fruit trays, hot cages etc. from local grass namely Babian and Wild palm. These products have long durability and have great demand in the market. Rural women of Reasi distt. of J&K have established the sale counters at Reasi-Shiv Khori Road, Katra Chowk, Katra Railway Station, Aghar Jitto village etc. Their crafted products have significant attraction for the tourists/devotees visiting at Shree Mata Vaishno Shrine and other visiting spots in the district. They are showcasing their products in the Kisan Melas, Conferences, Workshops etc. organized by the different organizations. Reasi distt. administration, JKRLMN, KVK, Reasi, NABARD and other concerned organisations are facilitating these rural women to train and market their products. These products are needed to reach at broader level to increase their sale and fetch more returns. The e-commerce platforms may help more to sale their crafted products and some new markets can be searched for them. They may connect with more buyers by utilizing social media, e-commerce and other digital methods. This will help to increase their income and employment. These rural women need not to rely on the intermediaries or go to the market to sale their crafted products. Different firms may connect with them to purchase their products.
It will be a big boon for these rural women enabling them to fetch more returns and sustain their livelihood. From creating income and employment opportunities to reviving the dying crafts, rural women from Reasi distt. has built an inspirational story. Many e-commerce platforms such as Amazon Handmade, Handicraft Mall, Etsy etc. are designed for the artisans and craftsmen and women. They provide secured payment process and accessible product listing. These platforms also provide artisans access to analytics and customer data which may help them to understand their customers and improve their marketing efforts and products. Many rural youths can be encouraged for the startups on rural handicrafts. Their is need to work on the supply chain and quality of the products. Their is also need of sustainability in the income of the craftsmen or women and guarantees that the crafts are conserved and passed on from generation to generation.
Rural crafts can create employment opportunities that can help to curb the rural migration. Rural craft industries can create employment opportunities to rural people of J&K which can help them to earn a livelihood without migration towards the urban areas. Rural crafts can provide a source of income diversification for rural people.
The G20 can provide better access to the international markets to J&K handicrafts.
This can be done by reducing the trade barriers, promoting trade fairs and exhibitions and simplifying customs procedures. In J&K a lot progress has been made in the handicraft sector in the recent years. J&K is known because of the rich cultural heritage and handicrafts.
However due to the introduction of mechanized sector this sector has faced several challenges.
This sector has also made progress in marketing of traditional handicrafts in recent years. Many artisans are now using the social media or digital media platform to sale their crafted products. This has helped the artisans to widen their market and increase their income.
Although the artisans are facing certain challenges but even then they are able to revive this dying sector.
They need appropriate support and promotion of their products. By tapping the unique attractions of the crafted products, rural tourism can be promoted and some more employment opportunities can be created in the rural areas of J&K. This will help to conserve the rich cultural and natural heritage of J&K.
(The writers Dr. Banarsi Lal is Sr. Scientist & Head of KVK, Reasi SKUAST-J and Yougal Kishore Sharma, Nodal Officer, Jammu & Kashmir Rural Livelihood Mission, JKRLM, Reasi, J&K).

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