The Bold Voice of J&K

Significance of Vyas Purnima

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Puran Chand Sharma

Vyas Purnima or Guru Purnima is the most significant and extraordinarily special event which enlightens the whole world about the importance of Guru and highlights his phenomenal role in architecting his disciple’s personality to lead a purposeful worldly life. His contribution in laying down the rock solid foundation of universal Sanatan Sanskriti has been tremendous and unprecedented. Sage Vyas’s birthday happens to be on Purnima of Ashad Maas every year as per Vikrami Samvat and this year it falls on 3rd July according to Gregorian calendar. Therefore, it is also called as Vyas Purnima. I deem it imperative to narrate a brief account of Mehrishi Vyas with a view to apprise the valuable readers about his outstanding achievements in the field of ancient culture and Literature. Even in today’s scenario Indian people in the country and people living abroad do celebrate this auspicious occasion as Guru Purnima by paying obeisance to their respective Gurus and Teachers and also offer them hearty thanks and regards for knowledge, invaluable life lessons, shaping and developing their personality on the desired spiritual path.
Guru Purnima gains added significance because of Gautam Buddha having delivered his first spiritual sermon among his devotees on the day of Ashad Purnima at Sarnath. This day is also famous for Lord Shiva having imparted knowledge to Saptarishis as Adi Guru. The word Guru has distinct meaning GU means Ignorance and RU means Remover e.i. Guru means a person who is instrumental in removing ignorance from our life. Devotees treat it as very special day to praise and glorify the selfless contributions of a Guru or Teacher in the ancient times and pray from the core of their hearts that modern Gurus and teachers also draw inspiration and get transformed thinking with the positive mindset that prayer is answered at the appropriate time. Vyas Purnima also reminds us about the Guru Shishya bonding in the earlier times. This is a kind of pure relationship that helps the students achieve greater heights in life and symbolizes the unique Guru Shishya Parampara in our great country. Legendary sage Ved Vyasa also known as Krishana Dwaipana was born to ascetic Prashara and Satyavati . He is credited with the composition and compilation of epic of Mahabharata for which Shree Ganesha, elephant God acted as his scribe. Further the credit of dividing the Vedas, the divine scriptures into four distinct traditional collections namely 1.Samveda 2.Rigveda 3.Yajurveda 4. Atharbveda. He also painstakingly composed Puranas which are the epitome of our everlasting supreme spiritual knowledge. In true sense of the term Mehrishi Ved Vyasa played a very effective and leading role in establishing India as Vishav Guru in the world. While discussing and deliberating upon the added significance of Vyas or Guru Purnima we draw the inference that it was largely concerned with basic and very essential moral education. At that point of time Education of the entire country was in the safer and holy hands of enlightened sages and Gurus who imparted holistic education inclusive of religious, spiritual, social and complete military training irrespective of caste, creed and colour.
The ruling class had no stakes or special role in working of the Gurukulas. However, they were obliged to obey the commands of sages for rendering needed services to their disciples and the society as a whole. Guru Purnima or Vyas Purnima always occurs on Ashad Purnima which heralds the rainy season, therefore, during this period of time, the ascetics had evolved a tradition to move out of their hermitages in this bit unfavourable season in the forests and plan scheduled visits to the common masses in the rural areas for offering religious, spiritual and value based practical guidance for leading an ideal and meaningful life in this temporal life. They used to do this by way of living in the families of their devotees, having hassle free interaction with the members of the family, patiently listening to their prickly experiences and enlightening them to wriggle out of the self woven worldly cocoons. It was, therefore, a well thought out strategy and proactive constructive thinking to utilize this lean period for keeping the society together and fully updated with the needed knowledge and general awareness coupled with their duties and obligations in respect of safety and security of all fellow citizens and the country as a whole.
This kind of system and mutual arrangement functioned effectively and efficiently for centuries together despite many a upheavals and tornados and still serves as a rich source of inspiration and motivation for the upcoming generations and is quintessential for survival of our Sanatan Sanskriti which is capable of rejuvenating the dwindling world order with perfection in these hard times. Our commitment and determination to keep alive such age old traditions and enlighten our Indian brothers and sisters to vigorously observe and celebrate these cultural events with enthusiasm would be a great national service in our line of duty as a responsible and dutiful citizen. The most remarkable inference drawn from ideas and thoughts expressed herein above on Vyas Purnima deliver a great message for the dispensation and Indian masses that we must diligently not only preserve our cultural heritage as well as knowledge churned out by our learned sages but also pass it on to our upcoming progeny and keep the Nation progressive and vibrant. At this crucial juncture we have allowed Education to be grossly commercialized. Moral and Yog education does not find reasonable space in the curriculum. Accordingly products of modern educational system are half baked, imperfect sans moral values and discipline. They happen to be self centred and too possessive. The present system is producing Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Leaders, officers, teachers and administrators but not responsible and dedicated citizens. Corruption is ruling the roost. Teaching is a highly specialized profession. Every Tom, Dick and Harry can’t be a teacher. The Govt. of the times must evolve a fool proof system of selection of specialized teachers to bring about sweeping changes in the education system for the best of results in every walk of life. If man is cultured and properly educated, he can successfully handle any assignment with fruitful end results in any sphere of life. We can imbibe desired motivation and inspiration from our revered Gurus on the festive occasion of Vyas Purnima to take our Nation to the zenith of glory.

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