The Bold Voice of J&K


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A child is generally considered to be an adult when he is eighteen years of age or older. Children below this age limit are not allowed to engage in any form of forced employment.
Child labor is seen as preventing children from experiencing a normal upbringing, receiving quality education, and hindering their physical and emotional development.
Although it is banned in some countries, yet it has not been successful in eliminating it completely.
In many unorganized small scale industries, children are given priority for employment, because their demand for money is very less as compared to others and they are also easy to handle.
Sometimes children’s own families force them into child labor because they lack money or are unable to provide them facilities.
These children often grow up in poor, unhealthy conditions, with little access to school or medical care. These children are also forced to live in seclusion and are not allowed to play, socialize or make friends.
Such a toxic workplace is difficult for children and it often contributes to mental illnesses such as depression. These children often consume drugs and other intoxicants, which worsens their physical and mental health.
Employing children in a way that deprives them of the opportunity to enjoy a childhood, receive an education, or experience personal growth is known as child labor. If a person or organization is found involved in child labor, there is a provision for action against them under strict laws made for child labor, imprisonment and fine. Standards are set in many countries like India against child labor.
Although there are many rules to prevent child labor, still we need to implement them. Due to poverty children are forced to work and support their families.

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