The Bold Voice of J&K

NC lawmaker booked in assault case

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SRINAGAR: Jammu and Kashmir Police has booked Opposition National Conference legislator from Pahalgam Constituency, Altaf Ahmed Wani alias Kuloo for abusing and allegedly thrashing a person.
Abdul Wahid from Pahalgam area of Anantnag district, who works as an employee (Helper) in Jammu and Kashmir Wakf Board had on April 28 filed a complaint in Police Station Pahalgam against NC MLA Altaf Ahmad Wani for abusing and manhandling him.
Police has registered a case against the lawmaker vide FIR No. 9/2018, under sections 353, 427 and 506 RPC.
Wahid while talking to STATE TIMES claimed that he was passing near Ziyarat Sharif at Sarbal, Pahalgam on April 28, when Kuloo stopped his vehicle and started abusing him and his family.
“The MLA manhandled me, snatched my mobile phone and broke it. He even threatened me that he will manhandle my 4-year-old son,” Wahid alleged.
A police official in Pahalgam Police Station told STATE TIMES that an FIR has been registered after Wahid complained against the legislator.
“We are investigating the case after lodging the FIR,” he said.
Wahid said that last month, the MLA had abused him and threatened him after he called legislator on his mobile phone.
Police sources said that genesis of the complaint is that Wahid has commented on a Facebook post about MLA’s Constituency Development Fund.
“The MLA allotted few ambulances to health centers in his constituency. I wrote on a Facebook page that the MLA sanctioned the ambulances from the CDF which is tax payers’ money and didn’t do any favour to the people, which offended the MLA. He called me on the phone and abused me,” Wahid said.
However, Kuloo told STATE TIMES that the allegations against him are baseless.
“The question of abusing and manhandling of any person does not arise. Police including the SHO concerned escorted me when I was visiting the place which the person (Wahid) has mentioned in his complaint,” Kuloo claimed. “Let police take cognisance of the complaint and do a fair investigation into the complaint,” he said.

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