The Bold Voice of J&K

Kashmiri politicians’ stand on elimination of terrorists; condemnable or…

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JAMMU: Indian nation is celebrating the biggest ever success of its armed forces in killing Pakistan sponsored highly radicalised terrorists in three fiercely fought encounters in terror-hotbed of Shopian district in south Kashmir. The world at large too is elated over elimination of radicalised brutes, which have not only held hostage the global peace but also inflicted bruises to humanity. In such a scenario, the eerie silence of the Valley and its leadership is intriguing; especially as the manufacturer- of- terror, Pakistan is not letting its own war against terrorism die down. As latest as today, Pak Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa approved death penalty for ten “hardcore terrorists” including those who shot dead Amjad Sabri, one of the country’s renowned Sufi Qawwals. These terrorists, tried by special military courts, were involved in killing of 62 people and heinous crimes against the State of Pakistan, including attack on security forces.
This being so in the country across the border, have terror sympathisers in Kashmir ever realised that if targeting army in Pakistan is a heinous crime, entailing death penalty, it can’t be Jihad in the Valley? Don’t the so-called Kashmir centric mainstream leaders, who take turns to the throne of power in Jammu and Kashmir in accordance with their political conveniences, understand the enormity and severity of crimes being committed by stone pelting mobs while attacking the armed and security forces with stones and creating obstacles in their fight against terror? Instead of performing their constitutional obligations, the rulers flex their muscles to blackmail New Delhi and condone the crimes by describing criminals as ‘misguided’ and ‘innocent civilians’. Have they ever done what Pakistan did today by ‘sanctioning hell’ for the terrorists for their terror activities? How many terrorists or their harbourers have been successfully prosecuted in Jammu and Kashmir by so-called mainstream dispensations through judicial process in the past 28 years? They must introspect. They are not ruling the State to enjoy financial benefits and political loaves. They are there to defend the integrity and sovereignty of the nation and not to provide concessions to those challenging writ of India. Similarly, the so-called separatists, who are actually Over Ground Workers of terror machine operated by their mentor Pakistan, have never proved true to their salt. They have no qualms in accepting the alms being offered, sadly as ill-conceived national strategy, but won’t leave any opportunity to bruise and hammer Indian nation. They are the agents of rogue Pakistan, who have been let loose to inflict thousand cuts to India.
Time has come for terror-supporters in Kashmir to choose their fence. They can’t afford to be on both sides of the fence anymore and enjoy political power and concessions for their kith and kin. They are bullying and fooling their own people in the name of Jihad. They are emotionally blackmailing and indoctrinating youth to be fodder of the Pakistan cannon. They are glamourising terror by taking huge funeral processions of slain ultras. Had they ever celebrated killing of a terrorist, no terrorist would have grown from their homes?
Those eulogising Mujahids or terrorists never want their sons to ‘take the short-cut to heaven’. Had it been so, the newly nominated Tahreek-e-Hurriyat chief Ashraf Seharai’s family would not have lodged a missing report with police on March 24, 2018 after he joined a terror group and circulated his gun brandishing picture to media. The Mujahids are not the sons or brothers of Geelanis, Maliks, Bhats, Lones or Muftis. They are the sons of Gulla, Sulla and Jalla. They are the hopes of old parents and brothers of young sisters. They are the daily earners of their poor families. They may be anything for their families, but they mean nothing to the dream merchants of Kashmir other than the show pieces of their shops decorated to run their terror enterprises. The three-decade long ‘freedom movement’ has witnessed ruffians becoming international leaders, small time village Maulanas settling in cozy city mansions and traveling in sedans and rag pickers turning riches. The ‘freedom movement’ has also seen grave yards getting extensions, happy parents becoming destitute, young children turning orphans and brides becoming widows. This is the time when the people of Kashmir should see things in right perspective and celebrate killing of terrorists. Let they celebrate the killing of 13 terrorists by Indian Army in south Kashmir yesterday if they want to save their sons from becoming cannon fodder of Pakistan, separatists, secessionists, unscrupulous politicians in the so-called mainstream outfits and above all beneficiaries of terror in the Valley.

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