The Bold Voice of J&K

Modi Govt failed to control price escalation: Manohar

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BILLAWAR: Dr Manohar Lal Sharma, General Secretary PCC and Former Minister expressed serious concern over the recent rise in the prices of petrol and diesel which he fears will further lead to price escalation of commodities specially food grains and other items in daily use. “It is first time in the history of country that petrol and diesel price has increased upto Rs 70/liter and Rs 60/liter” Manohar said adding that this abrupt rise in fuel prices will further create uncertainty in market.
Dr. Sharma visited different villages of Billawar namely Didwara, Mandli, Durang-Dangara, Kadharnu, Ramkot, Chingi-Makwal, Kah and Mela and interacted with locals. He said that the BJP-PDP Govt. is responsible for the public suffering due to lack of basic amenities and completely failed to address the problem of unemployment.
Dr. Sharma said that during the UPA government when the crude oil price was 147 dollar international market the petrol was sold at the rate of Rs 67 liter and now when the rate is more less and often between 35 to 50 dollars per barrel the price charge by the Modi government is more than Rs 70/- liter of petrol and Rs 60/liter of diesel by increasing the excise duty manifold.
“Modi didn’t missed any single occasion to make comment or joke over UPA government led by Dr. Manmohan Singh” he said questioning now why he and his team is not fulfilling the promises made to the innocent peoples of the country even after a lapse of three and half year. “The common man feel that he is cheated by the false promises made by the PM Modi and his team by saying “Acchey Din Aayenge” Manohar said.
Dr Sharma said that the Modi govt. has been projected positive impact GST and demonization’s on price control, but it contribute negatively after implementation.

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