The Bold Voice of J&K

Dorjay reviews developmental works

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LEH: Minister for Ladakh Affairs and Cooperatives, Chering Dorjay visited various places in Leh and took stock of developmental works and projects under execution.
The minister gave patient hearing to the demands of the people for the construction of road to Alchi Dok, black-topping for Umlung road, completion of work on bridge on Indus river between Basgo and Umlung, up gradation of water supply scheme, construction of display site for Alchi stone monuments, repair and macadamization of Alchi road upto Choskor and construction of Rizong Labrang road. At Mangyu, people demanded for construction of link road to Machu, realignment of electric poles, upgradation of main Mangyu road, restoration of head-works of main nallah and other minor nallah and irrigation khuls.
The minister announced Rs 1.20 lakh for repair of old water reservoir, Rs 2.80 lakh for construction of tin shed at cricket ground and Rs. 5 lakh for construction of crematorium from his Constituency Development Fund.
The Minister visited various on-going developmental projects and directed the concerned officials to increase the pace of work so that people get benefited. It is the prime concern of the Government to enhance the basic facilities to the people of the state especially in Ladakh region as they belong to a different topographical and geographical area, he said.

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