The Bold Voice of J&K

4 ULTRAS KILLED IN SUMBAL;Terrorists intended a prolonged siege: Rajnath

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New Delhi: The terrorists, who tried to storm a CRPF camp in a pre-dawn suicide attack in Jammu and Kashmir, intended a prolonged siege and extensive damage, Home Minister Rajnath Singh said on Monday.
Giving details of the attack in which four militants were killed while attacking CRPF’s Sumbal camp in Bandipora district, Singh said the heavily-armed terrorists approached the paramilitary camp with the intent of breaching it.
“The terrorists were heavily armed with automatic rifles, grenades and incendiary material such as petrol, and were carrying dry rations. It indicated that the terrorists  intended a prolonged siege and extensive damage,” he said in a statement.
The Home Minister said the terrorists attempted entry by cutting the wire fencing and also forcing their entry by shooting at the sentry.
“The sentries responded with alacrity and returned their fire. Heavy exchange of fire took place during which the terrorists lobbed more than two dozen grenades in an attempt to escape,” he said.
However, Singh said the CRPF, in cooperation with force from the adjoining Jammu and Kashmir Police camp, shot dead all the four terrorists.
The Home Minister said the CRPF jawans and Jammu and Kashmir Police showed exemplary courage and valour by thwarting the terrorists’ attempt and in eliminating them.
He said a massive recovery of arms and ammunition, including grenades, explosives and automatic weapons, had been made from the neutralised terrorists.
“It is inspiring to see CRPF men staying awake all night and maintaining tight vigil, and to see Jammu and Kashmir Police coming to the CRPF’s assistance quickly,” he said.
Singh congratulated the CRPF, particularly its 45th battalion, and Jammu and Kashmir Police for their “alertness and unmatched courage”.
“Their joint efforts have brought glory to our forces,” he said.
The Home Minister said all brave officers and jawans posted at Sumbal camp “need to be cited for their alertness and unmatched bravery”.
Meanwhile CRPF spokesman in Srinagar Rajesh Yadav said that the terrorists were also given support fire by one or two terrorists from a nearby abandoned building. He said there were no causalities on the security forces’ side or any collateral damage during the gunfight.
Security forces recovered arms and ammunition from the slain terrorists, whose identity is being ascertained. Sources said the slain terrorists were foreigners.
Incidentally, the CRPF headquarters which came under the terrorist attack was commanded by Chetan Cheetah, who was critically injured in a gunfight on February 14, in Hajin area, that had left three soldiers and a terrorist dead.

NIA may probe CRPF camp attack
New Delhi: The Home Ministry is likely to hand over the probe into Monday’s attack on a CRPF camp in Jammu and Kashmir to the National Investigation Agency (NIA). A senior official said since the strike in Bandipora district of J-K was a terror attack, the investigation may be given to the NIA. Terrorists belonging to the LeT were suspected to be involved in the incident as the modus operandi of the attack was similar to those adopted by the Pakistan- based terrorist group, the official said.

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