The Bold Voice of J&K

BJP misleads Lok Sabha on NIT issue, warrants privilege motion: Hari Om

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JAMMU: Tearing into insensitive and ultra-secular BJP for misleading Lok Sabha and accusing it of not narrating true story of facts in the House about the NIT Srinagar row, convener of Jammu for India (JFI), Prof Hari Om, on Wednesday appealed to non-BJP members of Lok Sabha to bring privilege motion against MoS Home, who was economical with truth and who also willfully misled Parliament.
Bringing privilege motion against MoS Home was imperative to ensure that justice was dispensed to the non-local students, who were punished, abused, threatened and brutalized by the anti-nationals and who quit Srinagar wholesale on April 11 and 12 to save their lives and dignity, asserted the JFI convener.
It is disgusting that the so-called ultra-nationalist BJP sided with anti-nationals to appease Kashmiri separatists and communalists instead of sharing the agony and feeling pain of the oppressed and suppressed non-local students, who only waved national tri-colour and chanted Bharat Mata Ki Jai slogan braving all odds, including threat to their life and limb, to counter the seditionists and that too in a Government of India-run and controlled-institute, lamented Prof Hari Om. He added that by making common cause with the anti-nationals, the BJP only exposed itself and its fake nationalistic credentials. It must remain a matter of shame for the BJP and the Sangh Parivar, which charged the non-local students with “playing politics” in Kashmir by hoisting national flag and chanting Bharat Mata Ki Jai slogan.
“MoS on Tuesday sought to create an impression that CRPF personnel would stay put at the NIT Srinagar to ensure safety and security of non-local students and that the magistrate charged with the responsibility of looking into the circumstances under which J&K Police used brutal force against the non-local students and unleashed a reign of senseless brutalities on them was still to submit his report,” said Prof Hari Om, adding that his statement was as misleading as it was incomplete.
Prof Hari Om said that the MoS Home took the House for a ride and withheld the truth by not disclosing the fact that CRPF personnel had already been withdrawn from the campus and the Magistrate had already submitted his report that held the non-local students responsible for vitiating the academic atmosphere on the campus and gave a clean chit to the anti-nationals.
The convener of JFI also tore into the BJP and its MoS Home, saying he didn’t inform Lok Sabha that the CRPF personnel, who were deployed in the NIT Srinagar for ensuring safety and security of non-local students, including many from Jammu province, had been charged by the PDP-BJP Government with “instigating protests”, making videos of the protests and ensuring that they go viral on the social networking sites so that protests could be engineered.
That the MoS Home suppressed the truth and kept Lok Sabha in the dark was a fit case for bringing privilege motion not only against him but also against the BJP-led NDA Government, said Prof Hari Om, adding that the BJP Government at the Centre has committed an unpardonable sin by keeping the Lok Sabha in complete dark just for the sake of five insignificant berths in the PDP-dominated cabinet.
He said if the non-BJP MPs in the Lok Sabha failed to bring privilege motion against the MOS Home and the BJP-led NDA Government, it shall be presumed that they were also as insensitive and ultra-secular or pro-seditionists as the BJP and the Sangh Parivar.

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