The Bold Voice of J&K

The change of metabolic system – Navratras’ Divine Parv

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Dr. K. Krishana

Today, the divine parv is being celebrated with great fervour and devotion throughout the country, particularly the northern India.
This festival is actually the seasonal festival which comes in ending March or beginning of April, as the Nature brings about the seasonal change in our lives. These Navratras which falls on March or April after the chill winter and our body may bear the climatic change of burning heat of the summer. Thus, these nine days are being performed as Navratras religiously, realised the fair-sex as mothers, daughters and sisters to refrains from all types of sexual hunger. So that the body may become fit for all type of the climatic problems of burning heat of summer.
Due to metabolic system’s change, our body needs maximum strength and inner energy to keep the body fit.
Our ancestors were too much realised with scientific ideology due to their research they set-up very useful norms to keep the human body fit and strong to bear all the problems caused due to seasonal change. To keep the human beings away from the lustful pleasures and indulgence in sex, they had set-up some very useful norms for life.
To keep the people away from sex, the mothers, sisters, daughters and others girls, have been told religiously, may be deemed as supreme force to be worshipped with great zeal, devotion and fervor. I request to all those morally deprived people due to sex nature, to remain away from all types of lustful pleasures. The sex indulgence will definitely ruin their whole life and make them skeleton with multiple diseases with physical destruction.
I suggest from within to all the human beings to remain Bramchari in thoughts and deedsparticularly in these nine days. Our mind will definitely have maximum vibration to proceed towards higher and higher goal, and if a sincere devotee chants ‘Aum’ systematically, his mind will definitely proceed towards ‘Trikuti’ re-opening the first gate known as ‘Gudaa-Chakra’ and its deity is the goddess ‘Shailputri’ i.e the daughter of a big mountain.
1) This first Gate is concerned with our rectum and the annul canal.
2) The second Gate or Chakra is being controlled by a force of semen called as ‘Brahmcharni’. If a person remains ‘Brhamchari’ in thoughts and deeds, he will definitely have alleviation in his thoughts and behaviour.
3) The Third Gate or Chakra is being controlled by ‘Chandra Ghanta’ as a Lakshmi who creates maximum energy and new ventures for having sound health with best comforts of life.
4) The fourth Gate or Chakra concerning our heart is controlled by the Goddess ‘Kushmanda’.
5) The fifth Gate or Chakra is controlled and dominated by ‘Askund Mata’, has its full hold on Vishuda-Chakra.
6) The sixth Gate or Chakra is being governed and controlled by the Mother ‘Katayani’, providing all types of power and the necessities of life.
7) The seventh Gate or Chakra is governed by ‘Kaal Ratri’ controls our wisdom, power and energy and can make a person, if he chants ‘Aum’ with devotion, the death will not come to him and have control over time and space. He can avoid the critical circumstances which make fears.
8) The eighth Gate or Chakra is being controlled by the Divine Mother ‘Maha Gouri’ who keeps us free from all types of mysterious (Tantric) and occult forces with inner light.
9) The ninth Gate or Chakra is being controlled by the divine mother ‘Sidh-Datri’, the bestower of full energy, strength, wisdom and best comforts of life.
In reality, these nine forms are actually the types of females. Hence, one should deal every woman as his mother, sister and daughter in order to refrain from sex-indulgence. Anyhow, if our mind reaches at ‘Trikuti’, it becomes the Lord Rama and destroys all the demons forces to have Ram Rajya.
In other words, all this is concerned with the mind which has to reach at ‘Trikuti’, the permanent seat of Mind. It means a person whose mind has reached at ‘Trikuti’ vibrating through ‘Sushmna’, can became a force to remain away from the space and time. It is the place where mind realises its actual seat or home and becomes fourteen Kala Sampuran Lord Rama. Only then, it becomes possible for a person to destroy all the evil or the wicked or vicious forces.
Actually, I want to clear with a full force from within that all the females must be considered as mothers or daughters.
All the morally deprived characterless eve teasers must bear in mind that girls or women must be considered as their own mothers for their personal sake so that they may remain physically fit and mentally awakened. I do not hesitate to say that the mythology which has very bold and powerful reasoning behind ‘Navratras’ had been wrongly adopted by the innocent and ignorant followers, As they have been preached by their Dharam Gurus who have not even the least idea of the reality.
I feel it a great pride that our ancestors are hundred percent realised saints, philosophers and yogies, who have set-up some norms of life so that our body may have no decay and other physical or mental problems. They have tried their best to keep the masses away from all type of sex and lustful pleasures, have given very-very special preference to women so that one may realize that the women is the greatest force of the universe and can make or mar our career.
This divine parv has been celebrated to get the people realised that the women are only the mothers and men have given them different names only to use her and get the desires fulfilled.
I set up the “Spiritual Awareness Society”, to get the people fully realised so that they may not follow blindly any sect or religion as advocated by the fraudulent corrupt money-mongers and the greedy Dhram-Gurus may not sway the innocent people and destroy their modesty through ‘Jagratas’ and other religious attractive programmes. There should be reasoning and logic before adopting any ideology, religion and sect whether it may be for the best of humanity, even then it may be scrutinised fully before embracing in our day to-day life.
(To be continued)

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