The Bold Voice of J&K

Kanhaiya is not Shravan Kumar

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R. K Sinha, MP

In the land of Shravan Kumar, Kanhaiya Kumar has become a hero. After he was released from jail, all television channels beamed live his speech at Jawaharlal Nehru University. He spoke again on freedom from corruption and freedom from poverty- “Brashtachar aur Garibi se Azadi”, excellent.
Wonder, if Kanhaiya had thought also about giving freedom or Azadi from poverty and hardship for his parents who are struggling to survive. Kanhaya did not care for his parents who brought him up and made him able enough to get a place in the JNU for study.
Had he been serious about his background and poverty he would not have ventured for leadership in the JNU instead of concentrating on studies. Had he been concerned about poverty he would not have been sporting jeans and leather jacket on the campus and raising slogans. Had he felt the pinch of poverty he would have given away his fancy clothes in charity like Mahatma Gandhi. Had he so wanted he could have taken up part time job in some mall or fancy stores and earned some money so as to send small amount to his parents every month while pursuing his studies in JNU.
But this is not for Kanhaiya who is happy and enjoying free facilities of the JNU. Kanhaiya is not alone struggling with poverty, there are hundreds of taxpaying citizens who are facing hardship and struggling to survive in the country. They are paying tax so that students from poor families could get best possible education. Kanhaya should remember one small fact that he is born in the land of legendary Shravan Kumar. The legend has it that parents of Shravan Kumar were blind. Shravan Kumar looked after them with total devotion. At one stage, the blind parents of Shravan Kumar wished to go for pilgrimage. With no resource or wealth, since he was poor, Shravan Kumar carried his parents on his shoulders and took them for pilgrimage. Since Kanhaya comes from Bihar, I do hope he must have heard this story. Even now, parents in India expect their son to be a Shravan Kumar. Does Kanhaiya living in the sprawling campus of JNU remember his parents. Or he has forgotten his parents in the glare of glamour that goes with academic environment of JNU. It will be a big thing if Kanhaya goes by the guidelines given in the bail order for six months by Justice Pratihbha Rani of the Delhi High Court.
While granting an interim bail for six months to Kanhaya, Justice Pratibha Rani has said that Kanhaya will not take part in activities that are against national interests. He should not participate in any activity that is anti-national. The High Court has also asked Kanhaya to exercise his power and position as the President of the JNU Students’ Union to check and reign in elements engaged in anti national activities on the campus.
Kanhaiya now will have to cooperate in the investigation and would have to appear before the investigating agencies as and when required. He should also not forget that the High Court has also focused attention on his family background. Kamhaya’s mother is sole working hand in the family. She runs ‘anganbadi’ and earns just Rs.3,000 a month.
Kanhaiya has said it repeatedly that he adheres to the Constitution of India and has full faith in our judicial system. But the High Court has directed him to file a sworn affidavit promising that he would not take part in any activity which is anti-national. As a matter of fact Kanhaya has nothing to do with poor or poverty. He is just interested in flying the red flag so that poor and poverty perpetuate in India for another 100 years. If you have any concern for the poor and poverty then go to the nearest bank branch and take advantage of schemes like ‘Startup India’ and ‘Standup India’. Apply for loan and establish your own enterprise. Go and work; give employment to people. By raising slogans on the campus you can’t remove poverty. Kanhaiya does not know that one slogan of poverty created hundred poor. You say that poor should not beg poor need employment.
Kanhaiya, you think positive in life. If poverty were eradicated by raising slogans of ‘Lal Salam’, then Bengal would not be lagging behind in development. If poverty were to go by raising slogan of ‘Lal Salam’ then half of the world population today would have been ‘red’. May be, if things were like that the Sun would also have been red and perhaps the spring too would have been painted in red. The red flag of China flies high not because of communism but due to its industrial growth.
It makes me laugh when I see Kanhaya standing with leaders like Rahul Gandhi and Arvind Kejriwal to fight poverty and corruption.These leaders who have never seen or experienced what poverty is. They don’t know abcd of poverty. These leaders don’t know the pangs of hunger and the thirst of water. These leaders don’t know what it is like sleeping in severe winter without proper clothes and cover. So Kanhaya wants to wage war against poverty with these leaders.
There is nothing wrong in doing politics on the University Campus. There is nothing wrong also if he attains political maturity. But it is serious and matter of concern when anti national activities in JNU becomes agenda of students. But this has been happening in JNU. The anti national slogans and posters that were raised in JNU on 9th February has been compared by the High Court as an infectious disease. The court in its observation has said that this has already spread as a disease in JNU. Lest it takes the shape of epidemic it should be controlled. No doubt, the government and the people of India have to give a serious thought to this observation.
Any anti national activity on the campus demoralises those guarding our frontiers and the family of martyrs who laid their lives for the country. Justice Pratibha Rani has said that the faculty of JNU should bring those students who have strayed to wrong path to the main stream and on to the right path so that they can contribute to the nation building. But it seems unlikely since there are reports that a section of teachers were also responsible for students like Kanhaya Kumar and Umar Khaled taking wrong path and going for anti national activities. It remains to be seen how these teachers act now.
It is high time the country takes a serious view of what has happened in JNU. Under no circumstances the country should allow any anti national activity on the campus of any university of the country. And one question should be asked to Kanhaiya- would you like to be a Shravan Kumar.

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