The Bold Voice of J&K

Challenges before govt after demonetisation

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 By Daya Sagar
The 8th November 2016 press release of Reserve Bank of India had said that Government of India vide their Notification no. 2652 dated November 8, 2016 have withdrawn the Legal Tender status of ` 500 and ` 1,000 denominations of banknotes of the Mahatma Gandhi Series issued by the Reserve Bank of India till November 8, 2016 that was necessitated to tackle counterfeiting Indian banknotes, to effectively nullify black money hoarded in cash and curb funding of terrorism with fake notes. No doubt the fake currency racket and the unfair flow of money to the anti- India elements in denomination of Rs 1,000 & 500 would be crushed for the immediate by this action of GOI but bulk of the unfair money transactions that have been inflicting serious damages to the indian economy had been more due to the cancerous internal growth of the black money through direct and indirect thefts on the state revenue to be collected and ‘thefts’ on the expenditure as made from the state exchequers.
The ultimate action like near total demonetization of currency by any government does reflect the failure / helplessness of a government to tackle generation & hoarding of black /wealth money through the installed administrative & legal means. Inspite of there being so heavy government machinery in place for collecting state revenue through direct / indirect taxes as well as there being vigilance organisations to over see the expenditure from the state exchequer still so voluminous ‘black money’ empire could be established in India worth denying 1000 million people access to their own money, Modi ji was in a way forced by the conditions on ground to dismantle the whole “Indian currency empire’ of the day.
Earlier UPA -II Government lead by Manmohan Singh had given some hints that it was having a review of Article -311 of Constitution of India so as review the service security provided to government servants (Dismissal, removal or reduction in rank of persons employed in civil capacities under the Union or a State) so that the difficulties being faced in applying corrections are minimised but since it did not suit the bureaucracy the move did not see light. In the recent past some indications have come from some NDA-II minsiters that government may strengthen the service security conditions of governemnt empolyees to enable them work more fearlessly. In case it is true, then it will not be in the interest of nation and instead the condition of responsibility has to be given supermacy over simple service security by amending Article -311 of Constitution of India (Dismissal, removal or reduction in rank of persons employed in civil capacities under the Union or a State )
No doubt people arefacing a little more problems than what might have been anticipated by the Prime Minister. The problems would have been of some what lesser magnitude had the administrative machinery down below stood to the emerging emergencies. Of course the farmers were sure to face some difficulties in getting on spot returns from the buyers for their Kharif produce, many people were expected to lose some of their extra hours while standing in ques for ATM withdrawal / cash exchange/ cash deposit ( bank staff has to check each and every note as received for genuineness) and the like.
But it is a hard reality that the masses in India surely wanted action against the corrupt order , no one is this day against onslaught on black money.
The questions that the people have raised on total demonetisation are more as regards management of needs after the action worth putting the indian people to lesser economic and social difficulties. Government should hence need not react that ferociously to criticism (at least from political opponents) and should instead respond through actions on ground by applying some corrections where ever possible.
Since the action against corruption and black money is welcomed by majority of the indian masses ,the opposition parties are bound see some political advantage resulting for BJP/NDA and would hence are compelled to shower some extra criticism on the Government. Therefore, it will be in the interest of Narendra Modi JI and BJP to enter into lesser debates with Congress / TMC / BSP/CPM.
Next step of the government should be taking corrective measures for making the government service sector deliver honestly and efficiently. But in case it does not happen so then what ever political advantage might have resulted for the ruling alliance that would erode in the coming times.In case Modi Government will not give first priority to correcting and streamlining the government servant the black money empire may grow again.
( Daya Sagar Sr Journalist and a Social Activist can be reached at [email protected])

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