The Bold Voice of J&K

‘Dogri’ wrongfully omitted in language panel of new currency notes: Harsh

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harsh_dev_singh_190 STATE TIMES NEWS
JAMMU: Strongly condemning the BJP led Government at the Centre for its persistent bias against Jammu region, Harsh Dev Singh Chairman JKNPP and Former Education Minister has further accused it of once again downplaying Dogri and the Dogra land during the printing of new currency notes of Rs. 500 and Rs. 2,000 denomination.
Pointing towards the most significant aspect of printing of currency notes by the RBI, Singh said that the denominations of the currency notes are displayed in various recognized regional and national languages in the languages panel of each currency note. He revealed
that while the language panel of currency notes issued in November 2016 has their amounts written in 15 regional languages and two national languages, it fails to mention the denomination of notes in Dogri despite it being recognized in the eighth schedule of the constitution of India. Making a mention of the 15 regional languages in which the denominations of the new currency notes have been displayed, Singh said these included Assames, Bangali, Gujrati, Kanada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Malyalam, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telgu and Urdu besides the two national languages including English and Hindi. He said that while Kashmiri language conspicuously appeared on the language panel of the new currency notes, Dogri language has been omitted and given a raw deal in conformity with the discriminatory policies of the Central and State Governments. Describing the insult to the Dogra land and its language and identity as the most obnoxious fresh doze of discrimination to Jammu region, Harsh Dev Singh regretted that Dogra pride had been hit hardest and inflicted the deepest dents during the BJP rule.
He said that Dogri language had been recognized and incorporated in the 8th schedule of the constitution of India by virtue of 92nd constitution Amendment Act thus entitling it to be mentioned on the language panel of the new currency notes on the analogy of other recognised languages.
Not only that, Harsh pointed out, even the J and K High Court had also passed an order last year in 2015 in a Public interest litigation for due recognition to Dogri, making official announcements at Railway Stations and Airports etc in Dogri besides inclusion of Dogri language on the language panel of the new currency notes. He lamented that despite Dogri’s recognition in Indian constitution and also there being a High Court directive, Dogri was still ignored and that too in BJP Government which had all along indulged in chest thumping claiming itself to be champions of the cause of Dogras. Accusing the saffron party of practising betrayal and deceptions on the people of Jammu region, he said Jammuites had seen the real character of BJP behind its deceptive facades and would respond appropriately when the time comes. He called for rectification of the anomalous position with Dogri displays on the new currency notes failing which JKNPP would launch a decisive campaign.

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