The Bold Voice of J&K

PDP laments losses suffered by youth due to protests in Valley

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Srinagar: Ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) on Sunday lamented the huge losses suffered by the youth in Kashmir due to the protests in Kashmir saying someone will have to account for it.
Losses to economic sector, trade and tourism are virtually irretrievable and someone will have to account for it.
Misery and agony has been forced upon people due to the political short-sightedness of the detractors of this society, senior PDP leader and Lok Sabha member from Baramulla Muzaffar Hussain Beigh said at a day-long convention of the party here. Lamenting the huge losses suffered by the younger generation and teenagers as a result of protests, Beigh implored all the stake holders for an honest appraisal to fix the responsibility for the present uncertainty. He said that the party will not be cowed down by any nefarious designs aimed at economic subjugation, degradation of ethics and values.
Beigh exuded confidence in the track record of PDP saying the resistance against the system are attempts to annihilate the institutions of governance.
Socio-economic up-liftment and empowerment of the people forms the very basis for any forward movement towards any political resolution, he added.
Extolling the participation of a huge number of workers in all the three conventions held in north, south and central Kashmir in the past weeks, PDP General Secretary Mohammed Sartaj Madni said their support vindicates the popular base of PDP and the ideological commitment of its supporters. Party has and will come out safe and secure with a fresh resolve to accomplish the vision of Mufti Sahab which envisages resolution of Kashmir issue through empowerment of the democratic institutions, self-reliance and sustenance of a strong society, Madni said.
Pitching for an open debate over the damages to the education sector, he expressed hope that saner elements in the society would unanimously raise their voices so that the society is ultimately geared up for some kind of realism.
In his address to the convention, senior party leader Nizamuddin Bhat hailed efforts of Prime Minister Narendra Modi for trying to restore friendly relations with Pakistan. The present acrimonious atmosphere will end soon to allow the alliance to take forward the set objectives for a better future and political stability in the region, Bhat asserted. He said the emergence of the PDP has changed the political discourse in the entire South Asian region and the party will continue with its efforts for building an atmosphere of peace, economic and political stability.
A PDP spokesman said the agenda of PDP incorporates the answer to the political, economic and social crisis that has taken a heavy toll on the state during the present spell of uncertainty and ever since the partition. The PDP called upon the stakeholders to focus on political means and through the medium of well-established democratic institutions to wriggle the state out from the brink of abyss, he said.”The party has underscored the need to push forward the agenda of peace and development through reconciliation and dialogue at all levels,” he added.

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