The Bold Voice of J&K

International Drikung Kagyu Great Monkey Year begins today

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H. H. Drikung Kyabgön ChetsangBy Tsewang Rigzin
LEH: The International Drikung Kagyu Great Monkey Year teachings will begin tomorrow at Shachukul Monastery in Changthang Lalok with His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche, the 37th throne holder of the Drikung Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, consecrating a huge silk brocade Thangka.
Thousands of devotees and high Lamas of Drikung Kagyu lineage from worldwide are expected to attend the teaching at the border region of Ladakh during the eight-day long religious event.
Kyabgon Chetsang is also the founder of ‘Go Green, Go Organic’ programme which was launched in Ladakh two years ago with the aim to benefit the people and other living beings on the planet. Thousands of trees and Seabuckthorn nursery plants have already been planted under this programme in Changthang region of Ladakh on the eastern border. Inauguration of ‘Go Green, Go Organic’ project is also included in the eight-day programme.
Teaching by Kyabgon Chetsang during event included ‘Drikung Phowa Chenmo’- the Drikung Kagyu Great Transference of Consciousness, Guru Padma Lingpa empowerment and transmission of Great Drikung Bodhicitta. According to the organising committee, translation of teachings will be available in Chinese, English, German, French and Spanish languages also.
The organisers will arrange teachings on introduction of Buddhism and teachings on renunciation and practice in daily life by Choje Togden Rinpoche and other eminent spiritual masters and learned Khenpos.

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