The Bold Voice of J&K

Don’t take people of Jammu for granted: Harsh

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JAMMU: Urging upon the Union Government to ensure equal involvement of the people of Jammu region in any dialogue process in respect of J and K State, Harsh Dev Singh, Chairman JKNPP and former Minister, said that the nationalist people of the region could no longer be ignored while taking any decisions for resolving prevailing crisis.
“Don’t take the people of Jammu region for granted” asserted Harsh while commenting upon the Union Home Ministers two days visit to Kashmir in total disregard of the genuine aspirations of the people of this deprived and much humiliated region.
He said that though it was essential to take stock of the prevalent crisis in the Valley but the Home Minister needed to have spared some time for Jammu as well as all three regions of the State were affected by the present turmoil.
He said that the Home Minister needed to have interacted in Jammu with social, political organisations and civil society whose positive co-operation had prevented the situation from further deterioration.
While calling for an all party meet on whole J and K State to be headed by the Prime Minister, Harsh said that a consensus was required to be evolved in the presence of the Prime Minster and implemented in letter and spirit.
He said that cosmetic exercises conducted in the past and non implementation of the decisions had eroded the sanctity of such meetings. He said that during 2010-11, several working groups had been formed by the Union Government for J and K but not a single recommendation had been implemented till date.
He said that holding meets merely for public consumption and media publicity was not going to serve any purpose until and unless, concrete steps were initiated to translate the decisions into action.
Harsh further said that Union Government ought to launch a full throttle campaign against Pakistan’s acts of war in Kashmir and its overt and covert support to terrorism on our soils.
He said that India further needed to seriously take up the issue of declaration of Pakistan as a terrorist state and imposition of worldwide sanctions against this rogue state.
He lambasted the highly defensive approach of the central BJP leadership who had assured zero tolerance against militancy, subversion and terrorism but had surrendered before such elements merely to share power in Kashmir with PDP.
He said that the prevalent situation in the State called for immediate imposition of Governor Rule.
While rebuking the BJP led NDA Government at the Centre for its complete apathy to the issues and concerns of Jammu region, Harsh said the people of Jammu felt cheated and betrayed by the current leadership who had sold their aspirations for the crumbs of power. He apprised the Home Minister about the simmering volcano in the hearts and minds of Jammu people which could prove more explosive once it erupted.
He further appealed to the Home Minister to ensure lifting of ban imposed upon internet services in the State in consonance with the assurances doled out by him in the Parliament.

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