The Bold Voice of J&K

Revolt by Jammu CCI rings alarm bells in J&K power corridors

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jammu-and-kashmir3 RAJ DALUJA
JAMMU: The robust flash bandh for two hours by Jammu Chamber of Commerce and Industries and subsequent ‘seizure’ of the regional Excise and Sales Tax Headquarters by agitated traders is a mute but forceful reminder of the anger of Jammuties, who genuinely feel let-down, not only by the Kashmir centric rulers but also, more importantly, by the self-styled champions of the region. Hitherto fore, every agitation of this ‘subjugated’ region remained under the control of the BJP but ever since partnering the government since 2014, it (the saffron outfit) had to taste the wrath of ‘self-respecting’ people, perhaps more fiercely than ever before.
Traditionally, Jammu leadership has always played second fiddle to Kashmiri politicians, which is why the voice of the Duggarland was never ever heard either in the power corridors of Srinagar or in New Delhi. This sense of deprivation has got deeply ingrained in the psyche of the people which is manifesting in what was seen this afternoon outside the Chamber House or the E&ST Headquarters in the winter capital.
Is Jammu reasserting itself? The message emanates louder than ever before from today’s reaction to Budget 2016-17 which has hit hard the people in general and the business community in particular. Of course, the revenue realisation in terms sales tax has predominantly come from the Jammu region, as in the case of power, drinking water and other utility services. Kashmir has been ‘reluctantly’ or blatantly ‘refusing’ to pay any sort of tax or utility charges, compared to Jammu but it is the later region which has always remained at the receiving end. The hike in VAT up to 14.5 per cent is cruel to consumers as also the traders. If the State Government has surpassed the target of sales tax realisation from Rs 5,744 to Rs 5,985 crores, the major chunk must have come from the Jammu region. Today the community of traders is finding itself in the lurch with ‘exploiters’ of the past seven decades in the form of BJP has left them to fend for themselves. In Jammu, every tirade against injustice or discrimination has been capitalised by the BJP till 2014 but the scenario changed drastically when the saffron squad ‘rehabilitated’ the corridors of power in the Civil Secretariat for the first and the last time.
The people have now taken upon themselves the cause of safeguarding their interests. The two-hour bandh is reflection of that. It is equally an indicator of what is going to happen on June 4, when the region will be shutting down at the call of Chamber of Commerce and Industries.
Has the BJP got a backup to foil this protest in the shape of shut-down? The answer will be in negative, as last year was witness to three successful Jammu Bandhs on AIIMS. The total alienation of the Jammu people from BJP is an open secret. Once a strong saffron bastion, the Duggarland is no more fertile to nurture the Lotus. The BJP ministers and legislators know it.
They also know the situation has reached point of no return. The anti-BJP mood was discernible by successful Bandhs last year in protest against denial of AIIMS to Jammu and clandestine decision to stall work on the Artificial Tawi Lake Project.
These two moves were seen as worst example of back-stabbing. In the process, the BJP leaders and ministers became persona non-grata for Jammuties in general and the business community in particular.
A party that rose from scratches to zenith at the strength of mass support is now finding itself amid worse type of wilderness. The BJP ministers are feeling more comfortable in Srinagar confines than in Jammu, where they have become persona non grata for not only betraying trust of people but failing in dispensing them the justice.
Their emergence to power has manifested as doom for the Jammu region, which is presenting an orphaned look, given the anti-Duggarland policies being pursued by a dispensation, which they are partnering and supplementing. The public anger has risen so much that the BJP leaders are finding themselves encaged in their homes; they just feel shy in venturing out. Twisting arms of the most prestigious and powerful lobby of businessmen can prove to be last nail in the coffin of a party which always flaunted its supremacy in the Duggerland.

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