The Bold Voice of J&K

Silence on international violence leading UNO to League of Nations’ fate: Bhim

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NEW DELHI: Chief Patron, National Panthers Party, Bhim Singh expressed serious concern on the silence of the United Nations on the growing violence in different parts of the world.
Addressing a lawyers’ fraternity at Jantar Mantar, Bhim told the lawyers’ fraternity that the League of Nations came to an end when it lost its credibility rather failed to check international violence.
“The United Nations is facing the same situation which the League of Nations met when failed to control the international war mongers,” he said adding that United Nations is loosing its grip in the international sphere with the result international violence has threatened internal and external peace particularly in the Afro-Asian sectors.
The United Nations, it appears, is failing to keep watch/control to check violence particularly in Afro-Asian sector, he said adding that creation of groups like ISIS in the Middle-East and other sectarian off shoots have threatened peace.
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria and some sectors in Africa have been witnessing massacre of humanity and innocent people as the respective governments/ administrations have no control over the outlawed and violent ridden elements/terrorists, he said.
Singh, who travelled on his peace mission around the world for five years and visited some of the violence hit areas in the world during his five years globetrotting for peace, told the new generations that violence against innocent people anywhere in the world is threatening the international peace and disturbing tranquility which may be described as the beginning of the third world war.
Bhim urged the members of the Security Council and particularly the so-called five big powers to convene an international emergency meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations to involve all the Members of the United Nations in the campaign against the rise of terrorism, international violation of Code of Conduct.
He said that there is a need to organize international peace committee in the areas in Africa, Asia, Middle-East, Latin America and other sectors to mobilise world opinion against all forms of violence. There is a need to ban all lethal weapons.
Each university should include anti-violence chapter in all the textbooks. No one should be allowed to carry a lethal weapon in public. There should be a chapter in all the textbooks of schools and universities to support non-violence as a creed ‘culture’ to be made obligatory in the textbooks.
Bhim Singh proposed to hold an international conference on peace and humanity this year in the month of August-September with the participation of the youth from all over the world.
He said that conference shall be held in India which has been center for peace and human values. Singh also forwarded proposal in this regard to all the vice chancellors and heads of educational institutions in India for their valuable opinions/suggestions.

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