The Bold Voice of J&K

First Skiing Course by IISM Gulmarg concludes

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GULMARG: In an impressive graduation ceremony, Indian Institute of Skiing & Mountaineering (IISM) concluded its first ski course. This was a two weeks course commenced on 23 Dec and concluded today. Mohd Abbas Wani, MLA Gulmarg was the chief guest and Nitin Kumar, Director Finance; Ministry of Tourism was guest of honor. J S Dhillon, Principal, IISM, welcomed the guests and briefed about the various activities of the Institute.
He said institute trains nearly 500 students in skiing skills in every winter. These trainees come from various parts of the country including J&K. He said the institute not only develops adventure skills in the students but also serve as a platform to integrate Kashmir youth with the rest of the country.
He also added that Institute take active part in national skiing events and its young athletes have won many medals at national levels. Institute sponsors many local youth free of cost for such training from the remote areas. Institute has a new centrally heated building where all comforts are provided to the students, it is one of the best in South East Asia.
Chief guest Mohd Abbas Wani said that he is proud to be part of this Institute and had played vital role to revive this Institute after the turmoil. He requested Nitin Kumar to look into all aspects of the Institute’s revival so that it could run adventure courses throughout the year. He also emphasized the need to revive Institute infrastructure such as chairlift and ski lift.
He said such Institutes are very necessary to develop the personality of our youth and promote adventure tourism in the Nation. He himself being a diehard skier assured the Institute of all out helps from the Govt. of J&K.
Nitin Kumar, Director Finance of Ministry of Tourism appreciated the excellent standards of training and administration of the Institute during such training courses.
He praised the Principal and staff for reviving the Institute despite loads of difficulties faced by the Institute. He Said Govt will soon look into all the outstanding issues of the Institute and in the near future Institute will conduct all types of courses in winters as well as in summers.
Abbas and Nitin Kumar gave away the prizes to
the trainees of different
skiing events. Institute is planning the conduct 05 more skiing courses in the current winter season in which students from all over the country will join.

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