The Bold Voice of J&K

4 more file nomination for Udhampur, 25 candidates in fray

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UDHAMPUR: On fourth consecutive day, four candidates including two independent filed nomination papers for the second phase of Assembly elections in Udhampur.
Out of four BJP candidates Pawan Khajuira and Independent candidate Pawan Gupta filed their nominations for Udhampur segment before the District Election Officer (DEO) Udhampur on Friday.
According to reports Pawan Khajuria filed nomination from BJP, Dharan Paul from Hindustan Janta Party while Pawan Gupta and Anil Khajuira as Independent candidate for Udhampur segment.
Pawan Khajuria of BJP along with All India Gen. Secy. Ram Madhav, BJP State President, MP Jugal Kishore Sharma and local MP and MoS for PMO Dr. Jatinder Singh addressed a huge rally at Talab Sallain.
Addressing the gathering Ram Madhav said BJP’s priority is to give fair and stable Govt. in the State as people of the State are fed up with dynastic and Kashmir centric rule and wants change for development and to end ongoing discrimination with minorities in the State.
Besides UP and Bihar leaders gathering was addressed by BJP State President, MP Jugal Kishore Sharma, local MP and MoS for PMO Dr. Jatinder Singh and candidate Pawan Khajuria and highlighted the party achievements and further polices. While Distt. President Dina Nath Bhagat, President Bharat Swabhiman Nayas Bansi Lal Sharma and other prominent leaders.
Whereas Independent candidate from Udhampur, Pawan Kumar Gupta filed his nomination papers before Election Officer Udhampur on Friday.
Thousands of his supporters participated in a rally taken out from his residence and reached the Mini Stadium where he addressed a huge public gathering. In his address he assured the people of Udhampur Constituency that he would provide all basic facilities which is the ultimate right of a person. He further said that he would concentrate on the development of Udhampur and would reach to the person sitting in the remote corner. He promised to upgrade schools in several villages to 10+2 level to facilitate access to higher education. Furthermore, he promised to fill shortages of teachers and staff in other departments.
Number of speakers described him as the most honest, upright, dedicated and down to earth person who has close rapport with each and every voter of the constituency. They said that Pawan who has clean image rules their hearts and they would ensure that he wins the election with overwhelming majority.

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