The Bold Voice of J&K

SHD organises deworming awareness camps in Jindrah

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JAMMU: As part of the mass awareness cum deworming campaign launched by Sheep Husbandry Department Jammu, four mass awareness cum deworming camps regarding the prevention of parasitic diseases in sheep and goats were organized in remote villages of Upper Jindrah, Kanyala and Shano in Tehsil Jindrah of district Jammu in which about 3,000 sheep and goats were provided deworming medicines.
The camps were organized under the supervision of Director Sheep Husbandry Jammu Dr. Sant Ram with an objective to create awareness among the breeders regarding improvement of livestock.
Four teams, each headed by a Veterinary Assistant Surgeon were constituted to attend to each camp which were being closely monitored by the Joint Director Extension Dr. Sanjeev Kumar and District Sheep Husbandry Officer Jammu Dr. S.A Tak.
During interaction with the breeders at these camps, the Director advised them to follow the devised sheep calendar of Sheep Husbandry Department in order to follow the principle of ‘Prevention is better than cure’ in all aspects of sheep and goats rearing.
The breeders appreciated the steps taken by the Sheep Husbandry Department which is evident by the significant increase in sheep population recorded in the state resulting in increased wool and mutton production on which lakhs of Tribals, small and marginal farmers and landless labourers are directly dependent for earning their livelihood. In the end, Haji Rafiq a progressive breeder expressed sincere gratitude for organising such camps in these far flung areas.

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