The Bold Voice of J&K

Save and protect Mother Earth


Omkar Dattatray

Saving and protecting earth and soil is not only important but it is indispensible as well. Human beings and all living beings depend on earth for their sustenance and growth and development and therefore it is all the more important to save earth and soil. Earth should be saved from degradation and soil should be saved from nature’s fury of floods and soil erosion .It is mother earth which gives man everything which is essential for living of the humankind and for all other living beings and therefore it is the bounden duty and social and moral responsibility of the people to take earnest steps to save earth and soil from the vagaries of nature and manmade exploitation. It should be noted that human beings have no or little control on the vagaries and fury of nature but man can save earth from the useless exploitation of cunning and greedy humanity .Basically and essentially soil and earth is the primary entity on which all terrestrial life depends. It is important to note that 95% of all food that is consumed by the humans comes from soil form of the earth .Not only the food but 95% of the antibiotics taken by humans and animals also comes from soil and this shows that soil ,earth and life have evolved together. There is no life without earth and soil.
Undoubtedly, soil and earth being more or less same entity is one of the vital living ecosystems and natural resources for sustaining all creatures of God, human, animal, vegetation and mineral kingdom. It is not possible for the ever increasing world habitats and population to procure food, cloth or shelter without soil and earth. Calamite change, food security, nutritional security, water quality, water renewability, biodiversity, land grab, political stability, human health, well being, peace and prosperity-soil and earth is the basic of all that.
Each living being on earth knows the importance of earth in our lives. Without earth, we cannot even imagine living. If there is no earth, there will be water to drink, there will not be animals living there, and of course, no cultivation, so no food to eat. Again it there is no earth how can we walk. The life of humans, as well as other living beings cannot be imagined without earth. Life is possible on the planet earth and its related resources. We cannot imagine life on earth if the resources are not available here. The resources like air, sunlight, water, creatures, minerals and vegetation are integral parts of the earth. So it is necessary to save earth for ourselves as well as for the future generations. Thus we should take sincere efforts and steps to save planer earth.
With increasing level of pollution, there resources are getting affected and either humans are destroying or depleting recklessly. If we will not take calculative steps to save earth, it is going to be difficult to establish a sustainable future on earth.
In order to save earth, we must understand that resources that are provided by earth are limited.
However majority of us are unaware of this fact and we are not judiciously utilizing the resources.
In order to safeguard the existence of humans, we need to protect earth and take care of it.
All living beings are dependent on earth for their survival and so we should use the gist of nature in a thoughtful way.
The increase in pollution and damage caused by the humans are affecting the earth so rapidly that it is threatening our survival.
Saving earth is not merely the need of the hour but much more.
The extant of degradation caused by men is becoming irreparable. This is one of the reasons why all the resources are getting highly polluted. The change in climate is one of the examples that are caused due to severe pollution.
Moreover animals, birds are getting extinct and the worlds around are slowly approaching the end. Nothing could be scarier than this. Thus saving the earth is the primary need and we should make conscious decisions to make the earth a better and sustainable place to live in. It is our responsibility to protect the planet that we live in but rather we become selfish and do such things that create pollution in our environment. As the most evolved species of the environment, we should understand that our planet is only planet that supports life. So when earth will be in peril, we will not have the option to move to another planet for our safety. Hence, it is important to make the most use of what we have right now in a sustainable manner. Our approach will not only save the earth but our lives as well. Besides our future generation will be bestowed with a healthy environment to live in. We should save earth by the following ways-1-Live by mantra-Reduce, Reuse and recycle. 2-Keep our surrounds clean. 3-Plant more trees. 4-conserve water and water bodies. 5-Educate people about the significance of conserving nature. 6-Shop wisely. 7-Cycle more and drive fewer cars on the road. 8-Use LED lights. 9-Don’t discharge industrial effluents in the river or other water bodies. 10-Choose sustainability in every step of life.
Therefore, by making small changes in our lifestyle we can make a huge difference. By resorting to ecological balance, we can save our earth from getting dreadfully polluted and uninhabitable.
Saving our earth and its environment is highly important as it provides us food and water to sustain life .Our well being is solely depends on this planet as it gives food, water and other important resources to all living things and it is our responsibility to take care of it. Sunlight, air, water and plants all contribute to the survival of life on earth. If life in the world is to be preserved, the earth must be protected. By preventing pollution of the earth and the natural resources such as air and water, we can save the planet. Our woodlands must be saved to save the earth. We do not have to accept doom and gloom for the earth. Together we can slow the duel crises of climate and biodiversity loss. This is a hopeful wake -up call, but only if we act with great urgency. Our planet faces the interconnected crises of rapid climate change and biodiversity loss. We have years ,and not decades, to address these existential threats. Science points us to a better path for building a more sustainable, more hopeful future for the earth. A future in which catastrophic climate change is kept at bay while we still power our developing world. A future in which we can feed 10 billion people worldwide and provide cleaner, more abundant drinking water while also protecting life giving lands, lakes and rivers. A future in which natures wild heart still beats strong through healthy wildlife and magnificent landscapes while our cities are strengthened by harmony with nature. New science shows a clear path we must take to prevent irreversible damage to the lands and waters that sustain us all. It is not too late to choose a more sustainable future where nature and people thrive together. To reach it we must transform the way we get our food, fish, and energy right now.
To conclude it can be said that mother earth is indispensible for the all human beings and also for other living creatures and we should try our best to preserve and save earth for ourselves and for future generations and it is our responsibility to save the earth for our sustainability and the sustenance of other creatures .Save earth to save life should be our motto.

(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist).

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